
The Left Doesn't Want You to See This Child's Spider-Man Casket

AP Photo/Teresa Crawford

No one wants to hear of a 7-year-old child being shot and killed. The innocence, potential, and joy snatched from the world instantly are sometimes too much to bear, so we choose to look the other way. The Left Machine and its national legacy media messenger, though, don't want you to even have that option because that would mean exposing the cruel reality of unhinged leftist policies—so they just won't say anything, keeping you in the dark.

According to the University of Chicago's Crime Lab, the four most dangerous police districts in the Windy City see twenty-six times more gun violence than the four safest districts. In other words, for every shooting in a safe district, 26 occur in a violent district. Five shootings in the safest district means 130 in the worst district. 

In 1991, the rate for those same districts was 13 times higher — meaning the safety gap has doubled in Chicago’s most vulnerable neighborhoods since the 1990s.

Interestingly, the website homepage chooses to pivot to reasons to be hopeful for a recovery instead of diving into the reasons why innocent people are more vulnerable now than they were three decades ago: 

  • Former Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley, whose symbolic gun-control efforts were turned upside down when he received a 5-4 ruling in McDonald v. Chicago (2010) stating the 2nd Amendment was viable in state and local governments;
  • Rahm Emanuel who, after serving in the Obama administration, gutted public schools in Black communities and funneled students to for-profit online schools where diplomas were purchased, not earned;
  • Former Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, the mayor who would insist that guns—not people—were murdering, as though the weapons grew legs and itchy trigger fingers and acted on their own volition;
  • Current Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson, elected last year, decided to sue Glock for making guns that have illegal modifications sold online or made with 3D printers because, even though Glock is not manufacturing the part (criminals are), they are still somehow responsible for criminal activities.

These are all Democrats deeply entrenched in the political machine, only looking out for their pensions, legacies, and personal gain. As much as we want to throw all the blame on the elected officials, voters continue putting them in office, and they're sure to have their union-approved reasons.

This bureaucracy of thuggery built, nurtured, and sustained the environment that killed Jai'mani Amir Rivera, a 7-year-old simply taking a cooking pot to a neighbor's apartment at his mother's request. A 16-year-old who doesn't deserve to have his name in print has been charged as an adult for the first-degree murder. Interestingly, police recovered a stolen weapon that was not used in the shooting at the scene of the arrest; ballistic evidence indicates the accused teen used an assault rifle, which has not yet been found. At the time of the shooting, the accused teenager had a warrant issued for failing to appear in court for another unrelated charge.

According to Ja'Mal Green on X, this woman designs caskets as a ministry; from the looks of it, this is not her first project for a child. 

A week before Jai'mani was gunned down, a 5-year-old named Reign Ware was shot and killed only one block away. 

Yes, it's hard to watch this video. It's unconscionable to think such a ministry is even necessary, but we owe it to Jai'mani and his family to feel the pain of burying a newly minted second grader. 

His mother said her son loved to play football; what would it take to get the Chicago Bears involved? If they can wear symbolic ribbons for cancer, they can bring real attention to their own city's children, the kids who dreamed of being athletes, scientists, artists, nurses, and pilots but never will be because their parents had to bury them as a consequence of their ZIP code. What ideas do you have for solving this problem? Leave your thoughts in the comments.

The Left doesn't want you to see Jai'mani's casket because it will break your heart. This year alone, five children under the age of 11 have been gunned down; the most recent child was eight years old, and his name has yet to be released, but he was killed yesterday on our nation's birthday. Were they the intended targets of violence? Jai'mani was not. He was a victim of violence without borders: what started at a high school (which is supposed to be a gun-free zone) spilled into Jai'mani's apartment complex. The legacy media would rather stoke fires of division and hate for Donald J. Trump than give airtime to Chicago's youngest victims, who are not statistics but have names, stories, families, and friends.

Today, we recoil at ancient Central and South American tribes who sacrificed their children to their gods. What will people thousands of years from now think when they come across a Spider-Man casket and learn this boy's life was one of tens of thousands sacrificed on the alter of the radical-left agenda? I hope it breaks their hearts, too.


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