
You’ll Never Guess Who’s About to Make a Killing on Monkeypox

Alain Jocard, Pool via AP

Okay, you probably will guess; that was more of a rhetorical flourish intended to entice readers with an intriguing headline for maximum interest.  

So sue me.

But don’t sue them; you probably won’t have the option, anyway, since they’re almost certainly about to get the same kind of EUA legal immunity that Pfizer and Moderna got against the people they maimed and killed with the COVID shots. Blanket immunity for experimental drugs injected at government and employer knifepoint is how the Free Market™ works in this, Our Sacred Democracy™, and if you don’t appreciate the beauty, that’s probably because you’re a domestic terrorist. You should just go ahead and turn yourself in.

          Related‘Gay Virus’ Monkeypox Makes Historic Comeback as WHO Announces New Public Health™ Crisis

Via Children’s Health Defense (emphasis added):

Stock prices for mpox vaccine maker Bavarian Nordic surged after the World Health Organization (WHO) on Thursday declared mpox a global public health emergency.

The company’s share prices jumped 17% in early trading in Copenhagen today, Forbes reported, after climbing 12% yesterday when the WHO made its announcement. In the U.S., shares were up 33% this morning.

The WHO cited recent outbreaks in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and neighboring nations in its declaration.

In the first known infection of its kind outside Africa, Sweden today confirmed a case of the highly contagious strain of mpox*, according to NBC News. The WHO’s European regional office in Copenhagen said it was discussing with Sweden how best to manage the newly detected case, according to Medical Xpress.

We all watched the first bout of monkeypox terror fizzle into oblivion a couple of years ago; the current gambit is based on promises of greater death and infectivity, this time allegedly not confined to the homosexual community.

Things really didn’t work out well for the propagandists last time. Here is Rochelle Walensky copping to the fact that the only two children they had seen infected with monkeypox at the time got it from their homosexual daddies, with virtually every other case being attributed to gay sex within the “men who have sex with men” “community.”

This time, we’re assured, things are going to be different.

Via The Guardian (emphasis added):

Sweden confirmed its first case of the more contagious variant of mpox, a viral infection that spreads through close contact, marking the first time it has been found outside Africa.

The person was infected while in a part of Africa where there was a large outbreak of the disease, Olivia Wigzell, director-general at the Swedish public health agency, told a press conference.

Earlier on Thursday, the World Health Organization declared mpox a global public health emergency for the second time in two years, after an outbreak in Democratic Republic of Congo that has spread to other countries.

Wigzell said the person who had been infected had received care and instructions in line with the health agency’s recommendations.

China announced Friday it would begin screening people and goods entering the country for mpox over the next six months.

People travelling from countries where virus outbreaks have occurred, who have been in contact with mpox cases or display symptoms should “take the initiative to declare to customs when entering the country”, China’s customs administration said in a statement.

Vehicles, containers and items from areas with mpox cases should also be sanitised, the statement added.

Earlier this year, scientists reported the emergence of a new form of the deadlier form of mpox, which can kill up to 10% of those infected, in a Congolese mining town and warned that it might spread more easily. Mpox mostly spreads via close contact with infected people, including through sex.

There are only two real possibilities, neither of which should encourage you to cooperate with the program. Either a.) this is another massive, bloated lie regarding the nature of the threat or b.) this new strain with a 10% fatality rate is real, in which case it was very likely engineered to be that way, probably aided by the U.S. biomedical state. Any virologist worth his salt will confirm that a virus mutating simultaneously to be both more infectious and more fatal is extremely rare in nature.


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