We’re living through a witch’s brew of moral hazards that threaten the literal annihilation of human civilization as we know it.
If that analysis sounds overwrought, consider the circumstances.
We have an outgoing lame-duck octogenarian with dementia surrounded by literal sociopaths with a chip on their shoulder at having their war horse sent out to pasture by the donor class last summer.
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With one foot in the grave — both in the literal and metaphorical political sense — Biden is fomenting various crises, the political consequences of which he won’t ever have to face.
From PJ Media’s own Victoria Taft:
This week — while Biden is on his way out the door, and after he's aided and abetted two wars, escalated U.S. involvement in Ukraine, and bugged out in shame from Afghanistan — Biden's special presidential envoy on climate, John Kerry, said it was time to go all in and declare a climate emergency.
His words: "We're on the brink of needing to declare a climate emergency, which is what we reallly need...to get people to behave."
We, granted, have an extreme case on our hands, but this basic moral hazard applies to all outgoing presidents and Congress members alike.
If they’re a second-term president, they’re never coming back to political office again.
Even if they’re an outgoing first-term president, they rarely mount a political comeback for a second term (Trump being the notable exception because he is a unique breed).
Consider the lame-duck Congressional RINOs who, to Politico’s delight, are now liberated to thwart Trump’s agenda to their donor-owners’ hearts’ content.
Via Politico (emphasis added):
While much of the GOP has become a Trump subsidiary, there are still some Senate Republicans who consider themselves members of a co-equal branch of government and take their Advise and Consent duty seriously…
The fates of the fringe appointees who come up for a confirmation vote will reveal one of the most important new power centers in Washington, and perhaps one of the few checks on Trump II: the lame duck caucus.
Yes, it’s those senators who may never have to face Republican primary voters again and are therefore immune from Trump’s greatest power — his control of the GOP base.
These are the lawmakers for which freedom — to borrow from the great and recently departed Kris Kristofferson — is just another word for nothing left to lose.…
The challenge will not just be how willing they are to thwart Trump, but whether they will be willing to do so with more than one nominee. It’s one thing to rise up with safety in numbers and block, say, Matt Gaetz’s nomination as attorney general should it reach the floor. It’s quite another to torpedo Gaetz and then take down another, let alone two or three, more Trump appointees.
It’s worth watching, though, because this same bloc of Republican lawmakers would also be the most likely to reemerge later in Trump’s term to selectively challenge him on issues (tariffs or foreign policy come to mind) or an inevitable power grab.
Accordingly, the central issue here is that lame ducks face no political stakes to consider in their decision-making — a kind of lightness which is surely lovely and liberating for them, but all the more dangerous for everyone else.
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The best we can hope is that their bloated egos, out of concern for their precious legacies, drive them to the correct choices — a hell of a gamble.
The Brandon entity is, again, in his 80s, and likely to be dead by natural causes any day now. He has no future. Add that to the fact that he is very probably a diagnosable sociopath/psychopath and you have a toxic brew that produces, among other things, flirtations with nuclear annihilation like we’re seeing now.
There is, to my mind, no compelling justification for holding elections, announcing a winner that very same night (under ideal circumstances, obviously), and then dragging the handing over of power out for another two months and change.