No Sane People Need Apply: Dallas Can Now ‘Terminate’ Employees for ‘Misgendering’

AP Photo/Rick Bowmer

LGBTQ ideology is the new racism. The Dallas City Council reportedly decided to make job “termination” one of the punishments for city employees who don’t use a person’s “preferred pronouns.” Apparently disconnect from reality is a job qualification now.


Fox News reported on the “Workplace Gender Transition Protocols & FAQ” internal document or “toolkit” from Dallas. There are a lot of ways a person qualifies as a “transgender,” the document claimed. “Transition may include ‘coming out’ (telling family, friends, and coworkers), changing the name and/or sex on legal documents, and/or accessing medical treatment such as hormones and/or surgery.” And woe betide you if you aren’t aware of your coworkers’ gender experimentations.

The guidelines, according to Fox, also tell Dallas city employees that they are “expected to respectfully use the transitioning employee’s preferred name and pronouns, regardless of whether or not they ‘believe in,’ approve of, or accept an individual’s right to be transgender or undergo a gender transition.” So much for freedom of religion or free speech.

The document even recommends that supervisors consult transgenders on how they think coworkers should be punished. Because, as we know, LGBTQ ideologues are never irrational or vindictive. What could go wrong?

These guidelines even claim that people have a “right” not only to identify as anything but to be called whatever fantastical nonsense they have invented for their identities. Notice that leftists usually define “rights” for one group as depriving another group of their “rights.” For them, freedom is a zero-sum game, where my freedom can only increase if yours decreases.


“An employee has the right to be addressed by the name and pronoun of their choice. Our addressing the employee by their chosen pronoun is a sign of respect for them as an individual,” according to the Dallas City Council.

City employees are supposedly guilty of “discrimination and harassment,” Fox reported, for “refusing to respect an employee’s gender identity by intentionally referring to an employee by a name or by pronouns that do not correspond to the employee’s gender identity.” Indeed, if city employees do “misgender” someone, they “may be disciplined up to and including termination.”

Fox News said it asked the City of Dallas if there could be exceptions for religious beliefs. Instead of answering the question, the city responded formulaically, “The City prohibits discrimination and harassment of employees based on a protected category including race, color, age, religion, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, genetic characteristics, national origin, disability, and military or veteran status.” Ironically, the city stated, “The City of Dallas is a safe and welcoming place for all residents and employees.” Except devout Christians, Jews, or Muslims, apparently.

The Dallas city government also told Fox, “The toolkit […] is a draft of guidelines developed by the City’s Office of Equity and Inclusion with input from Human Resources staff to address the needs of transgender and gender nonconforming employees and provide guidance to supervisors and managers on how to protect the rights and safety of such employees.”


America has seen such discrimination before, except it used to be racial. This is the new iteration of segregation or “No Irish Need Apply.” Mack Robinson, the brother of famous baseball star Jackie Robinson, came back from winning a silver medal at the 1936 Olympics and had to take a job as a street sweeper in Pasadena, Calif. Mack and all of his fellow black city employees lost their jobs in a revenge firing after a judge told Pasadena to desegregate its public pools.

It was wrong then, and it’s wrong now. Unfortunately, leftists are trying to make it impossible for people who aren’t enthusiastically pro-LGBTQ to function in the public square.


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