
U.S. Students’ Scores Drop As Districts Prioritize DEI

Nation Books via AP

With reading and math scores (especially the latter) continuing to fall across America, and the educational disaster of Covid-19 lockdowns compounding annually, schools are woker than ever and it is high time for major educational reform. Of course, many parents have tried to address the issue in recent years by challenging schools and running for school board, but all Americans, even those without kids, need to be aware of the problem and demand politicians address it.

Personally, I favor a reform that follows Booker T. Washington’s plan: namely, quality classical education, patriotic and age-appropriate, accompanied by required manual labor or other skill development (sewing, construction, plumbing, etc.). It’s a model that can be adapted for almost all ages. But certainly, something needs to be done.

As of last year, reading and math scores for U.S. 13-year-olds had reportedly dropped to the lowest level in decades. As of Dec. 2023, “Math scores for U.S. students plummeted to an all-time low on international exams that marked the first comparison of global achievement since the pandemic.” Yet the largest teachers’ union last year made the defense of LGBTQ individuals and related propaganda its top priority. These teachers prefer to provide your ten-year-old with homosexual porn rather than teaching him the multiplication table (warning: graphic content below).

Parents Defending Education (PDE) released its August newsletter, which highlighted the DEI poison in America’s schools. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) provides no diversity of thought, no equality of opportunity, and no inclusion for those who don’t meet wokies’ narrow standards. The diversity referred to is merely that of skin color and sexual proclivity — independent thinkers unwelcome. “Equity” means giving certain supposed “victim groups” favors at the expense of others. And “inclusion” means glorifying sexual perversion from the earliest ages while viciously smearing anyone — of any ethnicity or religion — who diverges in the slightest way from woke dogma. Which explains why both teachers and students are more ignorant, angrier, and less educated than ever.

All that head-splitting Marxism aside, take a gander at some interview questions for potential hires identified by PDE in Colorado’s Poudre School District:

What was the last thing you did to challenge your own cultural self-awareness?

What does anti-racism mean to you? How does that show up in your work?

What is your philosophy for teaching and learning, especially regarding Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion?

As some context on the second question, Ibram X. Kendi, one of leftists’ favorite “anti-racism” writers and an author of books for infants, kids, and adults, slams former slaves and American heroes Frederick Douglass and Booker T. Washington. Why? Because they believed black Americans’ best tools for prosperity were education, personal responsibility, and hard work rather than government handouts and a victim mentality.

Kendi’s baby book “Antiracist Baby” encourages kids to think they are racist if they don’t care about skin color, and he declared himself emotionally disturbed when he found his one-year-old daughter had become attached to a “white” doll. “Was she attached to the doll and it just happened to appear white, or was the whiteness of the doll attaching her to it?” wondered this woke wacko. This is the sort of racist, DEI trash that Poudre School District and others are promoting.

Coincidentally — or not — Colorado students’ SAT scores are increasingly abysmal, especially in math. “Fewer Colorado high schoolers met the state’s new Digital SAT graduation requirements in 2024,” reported Aspen Times on Sept. 13. Solution? Lower the standards! Obviously, that is the best way to ensure kids fail — I mean, succeed — in life. “Colorado Board of Education unanimously voted to temporarily lower the SAT math score required for high school graduation.” Sure, many of these kids are practically illiterate, but why should that be a problem?

Obviously Poudre is just one school district among many that promotes propaganda over education. PDE also highlighted Missouri’s Webster Grove School District, which has an “equity policy” insisting the district “shall address racism and bias” by hiring a “workforce of racially conscious” employees. From Colorado to Missouri, from Texas to New York, from Idaho to California, schools are hiring woke activists to indoctrinate kids. Then we wonder why young people can’t survive in the working world, why they are too often failures in the workplace.

If you have no skills, no work ethic, and no useful knowledge, but you can invent new pronouns and declare yourself a victim, you have been set up for failure. Adults have failed children, and that needs to change, both at the local and national levels. Education should be a top campaign priority, and also a concern for citizens who can attend school board meetings and investigate local curricula.

There are still good teachers in the school system, of course, but usually (at least in public schools) they have to fight the administration or the district. For instance, I know one teacher in Texas whose students’ scores are consistently higher than the district average, but who always has to fight the administration due to prioritizing education over woke politics. Whatever skin color you have, if you dare to think independently as a teacher, you will be targeted.

The current and upcoming generations of young Americans are overall very badly educated and also brainwashed with woke nonsense. These are the men and women who will eventually run America, and that is terrifying. That is why it is so vitally important to reform the education system.


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