Democrats have always been violently and virulently determined to defy common sense, our founding principles, and the Constitution to maintain their exploitative system of manual labor. That is just as true today now as it was during the 1800s; the difference is that in the early 19th century, Democrats said slavery was absolutely necessary to the Southern American economy, and now Democrats are arguing that illegal alien labor is necessary to the American economy.
The Democrat Party is the same yesterday, today, and forever. The Babylon Bee joked, “Democrats Once Again Concerned About Who Will Pick Their Crops,” with a combo image of slaves picking crops and illegal aliens picking crops, but like so much of their satire, this is actually a disturbingly accurate description of the situation. Don’t believe me? Read Democrats in their own words and see for yourself.
Democrats Once Again Concerned About Who Will Pick Their Crops
— The Babylon Bee (@TheBabylonBee) January 27, 2025
One of the main talking points of the left is that Americans would not be willing to do these jobs that illegal aliens take. Of course, Americans always did these blue-collar jobs before illegal aliens started taking all of them, and it is also true that U.S.-born men’s unemployment went up significantly under Biden, even as all the new jobs went to migrants.
I personally know quite a few young people who would be willing to take any blue-collar job but who cannot seem to get hired, even though migrants are increasingly employed at the same companies. The younger generation of Americans is overall less humble and hard-working than previous generations, but it is also being deliberately supplanted with much cheaper illegal migrant labor. The fact remains that some farmers, like many other employers, simply do not want to hire Americans because it costs more. They aim specifically to hire illegals. JD Vance has even highlighted the phenomenon of U.S. workers being fired and replaced with illegals.
This brings me again to the fact that Democrats are indeed using similar rhetoric now about illegal alien labor to the rhetoric they used in the 1800s about slavery. Back in 2022, Nancy Pelosi said illegal aliens were necessary to “pick the crops.” Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) argued last year that we need “many illegal immigrants” to pick vegetables. They are representative of the elitist Democrat mindset.
Sens. Dick Durbin, (D-Ill.), Peter Welch (D-Vt.), and Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) made similar statements in recent weeks while whining about Trump’s illegal alien deportations. “Americans don’t want to do that work… [it’s] too backbreaking,” Schiff claimed. It seems pretty clear that Democrats really do look down on the illegal aliens they import, seeing them as inferior, and that the reason they want more and more of these illegals is for their own personal benefit. Just as when Democrats were willing to start a bloody Civil War to protect slavery, now they don’t care how many Americans are robbed, raped, killed, or fired thanks to illegal aliens.
“More than two-thirds of U.S. crop workers are foreign-born, according to the USDA,” CBS News pontificated on Jan. 25. “Fewer workers could mean less homegrown produce.” The outlet’s rhetoric was even more extreme in another article headlined: “These U.S. industries can't work without illegal immigrants.”
Harvard Business Review also sounds as if it’s stuck in the 1830s. “The United States depends on migrants — legal and undocumented — to grow and harvest much of its fresh produce. Deportations and the ensuing labor shortages would dramatically raise the cost of produce that requires heavy manual labor,” it moaned.
Oh no, not heavy manual labor! We all know that absolutely no Americans could or should do that! At least Democrat politicians have yet to beat Republican advocates of border security almost to death in the Capitol, as Preston Brooks (D-S.C.) did in 1856 to Charles Sumner (R-Mass.) over slavery; nowadays they usually prefer to let their thugs do that for them in prisons or at riots.
But to return to the point, similar arguments were made by Democrats in defense of slavery in the 19th century to arguments made now for illegal migrant labor. John Calhoun, perhaps the most ardent and enthusiastic defender of slavery, made the argument in his infamous slavery as a “positive good" speech that a society couldn't be prosperous without the exploitation of laborers; in short, without slavery (America has since proved him wrong, but Democrats hope you don’t notice).
"I hold then, that there never has yet existed a wealthy and civilized society in which one portion of the community did not, in point of fact, live on the labor of the other...I fearlessly assert that the existing relation between the two races in the South, [is] the most solid and durable foundation on which to rear free and stable political institutions,” Calhoun raved. Nancy Pelosi and Jerry Nadler would agree with him. They cannot and do not wish to envision a country where they could not exploit certain "inferior" individuals' labor for their own profit.
Democrat Jefferson Davis declared, “African slavery, as it exists in the United States, is a moral, a social, and a political blessing.” Insert “illegal migration” for “slavery” and you might be listening to a Democrat speech from 2025. Davis was later the infamous Confederate president and war criminal responsible for the Confederate policy that he eventually signed into law requiring the execution or enslavement of black Union troops, their white officers, and black civilians.
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One of the slave owners who argued for the supposed necessity of slavery, incidentally, was Braxton Bragg, the Confederate general and traitor whose name is unfortunately being restored to the fort which had happily been renamed “Fort Liberty,” after the very blessing of which Bragg fought so hard to deprive his fellow men. Bragg asserted, according to a biographer, “We have a large class of our population in subordination [which is] just and necessary.” He was such a proud slave owner and traitor that the suggestion to rename Fort Bragg originally surfaced during the Civil War. Like the Democrats of today, Bragg always placed his own profit and ideology over the good of his fellow American citizens.
We have all heard at some point the shameful quote from the Dred Scott decision, issued by Democrat Chief Justice Roger Taney, “[Negroes] had for more than a century before been regarded as beings of an inferior order, and altogether unfit to associate with the white race, either in social or political relations; and so far inferior, that they had no rights which the white man was bound to respect; and that the negro might justly and lawfully be reduced to slavery for his benefit.”
But that same decision also defended the slave trade on the grounds that it was “for the 'benefit of such States as shall think proper to encourage it.'” Taney argued that slavery contributed to the “prosperity” of the USA.
Democrats in the 1800s wanted Americans to believe that it was impossible to have a thriving economy or agriculture without slave labor. We know now that was false and that America never saw such economic growth as in the century following the abolishment of slavery. Now Democrats want us to believe that it is necessary to have illegal alien labor for prosperity. Again they are lying. Let us reject illegal migration as we once rejected slavery, and we will find not only that we continue prosperous, but that we will be freer and more prosperous than ever before.
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