That's right: we're back, y'all! We just finished our third episode of "Faith All Over the Place" — our first outing of the new year, and we can't wait for you to listen.
Our New Year's resolution is to record more often and with more intentionality. We're working on guests, and we even shared some of our dream guests. But we're also committed to recording with or without guests.
You might recall our last episode back at the end of October: "Pray Your Way to Election Day." In that episode, we discussed the importance of prayer no matter who won the election. By the grace of God, the election went really well.
God is good and gives us plenty of reasons to be grateful every day, but lately, we've had even more opportunities for gratitude! We're trying to steer clear of politics most of the time, but there have been so many answers to prayer simply because the GOP won so bigly in November. The new Trump administration's commitment to life issues and religious liberty are just the beginning.
Episode 1: Introducing Another Exciting Faith Podcast From PJ Media!
This time, we piggybacked off our previous episode by discussing why we need to pray for our leaders and forgive them when they let us down, which they all will from time to time. Too many times, we tend to think about those one or two times when a leader did something boneheaded or that we didn't agree with, which is why it's as important to forgive those slip-ups from our leaders as it is to forgive the people we interact with on a daily basis.
We touched on the discipline of prayer and answered prayers. We also discussed setting up an email address where you can email us your prayer requests, and we pledge to pray for you. I also had the privilege of sharing an important prayer request for my pastor and his family as well as a special answer to prayer for some friends of mine.
So get ready, y'all. We're going to have an amazing year talking about faith. We're working on booking some amazing guests, but we're also prepared to have some discussions between just the two of us. I hope you're as eager as we are to talk about the most important thing in our lives.
Episode 2: Faith All Over the Place, The Long-Awaited Episode 2: Pray Your Way to Election Day
As always, you can listen to "Faith All Over the Place" on our Podcast page, on Apple, or on Spotify. Or you can listen here:
Our faith podcasts, "Faith All Over the Place" and "The Intersection of Faith and Politics," are always in front of the paywall. These free podcasts are PJ Media's gift to you, and they come courtesy of our VIP members who make so much of what we do not only possible but loads of fun.
Of course, VIP Platinum members can message us directly with prayer requests, praise reports, and ideas for guests or specific topics surrounding faith, and we'd love to hear from you. So say hello!
If you're interested in joining us as a VIP member, there's never been a better time! We're running an election special where you can get 50% off a new membership with the promo code FAITH.
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