Trans Lord's Prayer, DEI Babylon, and Who's Afraid of Losing Federal Cash [UPDATED]

AP Photo/Desmond Boylan

We already know that the left ruins everything it touches. This includes Christianity.

Progressive Christianity is loaded with dangerous heresies, but it’s also ripe for ridicule. A few stories I’ve seen this week highlight both of these truths about progressive Christianity.


Let’s start with a video from St. Paul’s Anglican Church in Essex, Ontario. It’s a heretical version of the Lord’s Prayer that the folks at Protestia call the “most cursed version” of the prayer.

The video starts with a person who looks like a frumpy grandmother but has a deeper voice than I do. It includes people wearing shirts that say “Ally” (and not referring to the bank that used to be GM Financing) and displaying their pronouns on Zoom.

It’s a heretical mess:

Our mother and our father, our beloved parent in who we move and breathe and have our being.

The glorious hallowing of your name shines forth in the diversity of your children.

May your peace and love, justice and equality, inclusion and belonging reign here on earth as in heaven.

Build your kingdom in the hearts of all.

Help us meet our daily needs.

Be with those who suffer as a result of living as the fullest truth of your divine child.

Grant that our transgender loved ones might have their daily needs met, 

That they might find employment without discrimination, 

That they may have access to medical care without fear, 

That they might have their rights and lives protected,

That they might find a loving, safe community to belong to and call their own.

Forgive us for the ways that we have fallen short and failed your beloved transgender children, as well as our many trespasses.

Forgive us of the times we turned away or did not care, 

For the times we laughed or judged their unique expression of your image,

Just as we forgive those who might have failed to see, hear, and understand us.

Lead us away from the temptation to be complacent in the face of injustice

But instead, give us the courage to stand up for and with your beloved children.

Open our minds and our hearts to those who think, act, and experience life differently.

Help us do our part to make your love and justice reign in our diverse, beautiful world, now and always.



You see, the thing about scripture is that it’s fine all by itself. That’s why there’s a doctrine of the sufficiency of scripture. It’s heresy to add to the timeless truths of scripture, especially to justify lifestyles of sin. Shame on these people — particularly Frumpy Baritone Grandma.

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For our next example of the ridiculousness of progressive Christianity, we turn to Pastor Debleaire K. Snell of Oakwood University Church in Huntsville, Alabama. In a recent sermon on his church’s Breath of Life broadcast, Snell preached from the book of Daniel and made some outrageous statements.

“Do you realize that for all of Nebuchadnezzar's eccentricities, he had one good civil practice?” Snell claimed in a video that the folks at Woke Preacher Clips shared on X. “What made Babylon stand out was they instituted a diversity, equity, and inclusion program.”

Umm wut? It got worse when Snell asserted that America could learn its lesson from the enemies of God’s people by implementing DEI (which didn’t exist in the 6th and 7th century BC).

“You see, friends of mine, I need you to understand that what set Babylon apart is they literally created space for everyone to bring their diverse perspectives and gifts to employ them in the use of the kingdom,” he said bizarrely. “And one of the things I simply want to suggest to us, friends of mine, is that the only way that America has got as far as it has gotten is because of the contributions of people who look like you and me.”


It might be a stretch to assume that Snell has read his Bible, much less gotten a Bible college or seminary education. If he had read his Bible, he would know that the Babylonians enslaved God’s people. He would also know that, from Old Testament prophecy to the book of Revelation, Babylon represents the grievous evil that God will defeat.

Needless to say, that sort of evil isn’t something that any civilization should emulate. I hope the rest of Snell’s sermons aren’t that bad, but I don’t hold out much hope.

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Finally, we’ll turn to this week’s biggest topic: USAID. People all over the left have fretted about USAID all week, including the increasingly left-wing Christianity Today.

Now we know why Christianity Today was freaking out about USAID. It turns out the magazine got $1.8 million in Biden administration grants in 2023.

Author's update: it turns out that those grants were COVID-era Employee Retention Tax Credits (why companies are still getting those is 2023 is beyond me, but whatever). My apologies for inadvertently misrepresenting that fact, but I still stand behind my point that Christianity Today is growing increasingly left-wing.

It's also hard not to wonder why outlets like Christianity Today and other progressive Christians complain about “Christian Nationalism” when they’re ready to get fat at the federal table when Democrats are in power.


I’m going to keep my ear to the ground to keep exposing the ridiculousness of progressive Christianity. There’s plenty of material out there!


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