It’s Friday, and you know now what that means: it’s time for another column exposing the ridiculousness of progressive Christianity. We’re going to kick things off in Worcester, Mass. My colleague Greg Byrnes reported about how the city voted to become a “Sanctuary City for Transgender and Gender Diverse People” — in other words, a left-wing paradise — earlier this month.
Another colleague, my friend Sarah Anderson, sent me an interesting tidbit about Worcester. At the hearing before the vote, people showed up to advocate for the sanctuary city status, including disability and black activists who made threatening statements and a blue-haired drag queen. Among the speakers was a female pastor (shocker).
“Among those who spoke out in favor of the resolution was Julie Payne-Britton, a pastor at the Hadwen Park Congregational Church, which is affiliated with the progressive United Church of Christ,” reports the Christian Post. “Payne-Britton, who identifies as a disabled, cisgender lesbian, sported a clerical collar as she told council members that if Jesus were at the meeting, He would be ‘dressed in full drag.’”
“The Jesus I know would be dressed in full drag and serving face, or handsome as a trans man, or wrapped in the garb of a non-binary person who knows one gender is way too small to capture their gloriousness,” she said. “The Jesus I know would be at this mic with a trembling voice and a shaking body and tears that will not be held back crying, ‘make this city safe for my child.’”
"The Jesus I know would be dressed in full drag." The enlightened clergy have no problem with a state-established religion.
— Sidewalk Steve (@Sidewalk_Steve) February 13, 2025
Ma’am (if it’s okay to call a disabled, cisgender lesbian “ma’am” — know what, I don’t care), if that’s the Jesus you know, you don’t know the Jesus of the Bible. You might want to crack God’s Word open a little more often so you can meet the real Jesus.
One X commenter put it this way: “Jesus ate with sinners (which is ALL of us). He didn't sin with them.” Well said.
Related: 'Holy' Abortions, DEI Prayers, and Mean Drag Queens in Church
Next, we head to Cincinnati, where we learned something new in Sunday’s service at New Vision United Methodist Church. Did you know that Donald Trump is making black people too tired to read their Bibles? I had no clue!
Pastor Peter Matthews preached a sermon, which Woke Preacher Clips shared, where he said black people can’t study scripture because the Trump administration is asking federal employees to account for what they did the past week, because the Department of Defense fired Gen. CQ Brown, the now-former chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, and because the administration ended Joe Biden’s National Law Enforcement Accountability Database (NLEAD).
"This assault that's being had disproportionately with people that look like you makes it very difficult for you to study your Bible,” Matthews claimed. “It makes it very difficult because the energy in the atmosphere is palatable [sic].”
“And it's in every conversation,” he added. “I saw a meme. The meme said, 'It's very difficult to get up and go to work every day when a demon is trying to take over the planet.'"
Who knew?
United Methodist pastor in Cincinnati says black Americans are having trouble studying their Bibles because the Trump administration is making them so exhausted, by:
— Woke Preacher Clips (@WokePreacherTV) February 25, 2025
1. Telling federal workers to summarize what they did in the past week
2. Firing CQ Brown, the Chairman Of The…
For what it's worth, one black man commented, "I had an amazing devotion this morning and Trump didn't even hit my mind."
Related: Oh Look, 'He Gets Us' Is Using Jesus to Virtue Signal Again
Finally, we turn to California, where one pastor is turning away from biblical orthodoxy because his son is gay. For some reason, homosexuality looks to be the leading cause of falling away from the truth of scripture.
A couple of weeks ago in the New York Times, a gay man named Timothy White wrote an op-ed about how his father, an evangelical pastor, reconciled with his son’s homosexuality. The column combines the father’s journal entries with the son’s commentary.
The journal entries are telling because they reveal how the father’s struggle with his son’s unbiblical lifestyle led him to abandon the infallibility of the Bible. One entry from early on in his journey reads, “The Scriptures just don't seem all that clear anymore, and this is a big issue with huge stakes. So what are we to do in this case of a big issue with no clarity?” The trouble, of course, with that question is that the Bible is abundantly clear about sexual sin.
In successive journal entries, the pastor laments that his church is losing members since its leadership chose to embrace homosexuality, and the son talks about how “divisive” the 2016 election was and how that took a toll on his dad. A later entry is a letter to the church announcing a new woman associate pastor (shocker) and doubling down on being LGBTQ-friendly. The pastor calls it “the mission God has called us to.”
Albert Mohler talked about this op-ed on his podcast on Monday, and he made the point that this church is turning away from true Christianity based on one issue.
“Well, it’s not so easy as flipping a theological switch,” Mohler said. “It’s a matter of thinking these things through. That’s what makes this pastor, I think, all the more responsible because he has been thinking these things through. He’s not just responding in an emotional response to his son. Instead, this has led to a thorough comprehensive reevaluation of all of Christianity.”
When you abandon biblical fidelity on one issue, the rest of the dominoes can’t help but fall.
Stay tuned for next Friday because you know there's plenty for me to report on!
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