
The Point of COVID-19

AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein, Pool

The enemies of freedom and human rights have revealed themselves for the world to see. Let there be justice. The well-being of all of us is at stake

                                                                                 Jeffrey Tucker, Liberty or Lockdown

Perspective gives us the strength to focus on the battles yet to come, which have little to do with the virus and everything to do with freeing ourselves from the medical tyranny and the cycle of fear that has consumed our nations.

                                                                                 Julius Ruechel, Autopsy of a Pandemic

“Don’t give up! I believe in you all. A person’s a person, no matter how small!

                                                                  Dr. Seuss, Horton Hears a Who


As I reported in an earlier discussion on the proposed International Treaty on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness, and Response and its slate of Amendments, sponsored by the World Health Organization (WHO), the Treaty will empower the WHO to enforce mandatory vaccines, impose travel bans, deny personal choice of medical care, expand surveillance protocols, and declare pandemic emergencies at will. It will grant the organization unique and unrivaled control over our national sovereignty.

Clearly, we are dealing with a kind of confederacy that can force quarantine and vaccines even upon the healthy and upon children, mandate lockdowns over and above the purview of government authority, and, as noted, what is most alarming, it can call any health scare a pandemic as a matter of whim and/or policy.

This latter power, which turns the arbitrary into the compulsory, is the heart of the issue. A pandemic, like the one we have recently experienced, may be not so much a plague as a political tool. Some of us have come to realize that a pandemic is an excellent strategy for destabilizing a nation’s unity, creating divisions and animosities within the citizenry, and preventing the exercise of the most basic and customary freedoms. Furthermore, a virus is the most effective agent for signifying the complete irrelevance of borders, passing from country to country as if there were no such thing as customs barriers, physical demarcations, and cultural distinctiveness. 

That must have been the main point of COVID-19: the virus purportedly showed that national boundaries have no real existence. Borders are ostensibly a figment of the hoary Westphalian concept of the nation-state, its territorial inviolability, and the social and political necessity of established frontiers; in other words, the nation-state is merely a local, archaic fabrication confected in the 17th century and now past its best-before date. A virus, on the other hand, is a planetary phenomenon, the symbolic expression of Globalist doctrine and practice. COVID was little more than the theory of Globalism in action, preparing the public to absorb both the message and the inevitability of the planned Globalist coup, aka the Great Reset, and thus conditioning it for life in a nation without borders and subject to the influence of invasive populations over which it has no control.

As Canadian sociologist Frank Furedi points out in "Why Borders Matter," the abolition of borders only leads to the erection of new and repressive borders which, in the name of “inclusion,” “justice,” and the “wave of the future” are meant to keep out the disfavored and dissident. It is a way of displacing what we may call a “legacy population” in favor of an alien cohort grateful to its masters and content to lay waste to the usages of the past. The scrapping of borders is a means of enforcing laws of segregation affecting an original population, which is the underlying plan. One way or another, there are always borders.

On the whole, people have not understood that they have been thoroughly gaslighted, that a malady with a survival rate in the high 90 percent range was a Globalist invention by a camarilla of the non-elected elect—“a loose but coordinated array of billionaires, tech companies, public health schools and authorities, major worldwide corporations and their allies”—to promote the emergence of a new world order in which the nation-state per se was destined to disappear. This should have been obvious to all thinking people the moment the curve refused to be flattened and certainly when the CDC changed its definition of “vaccine,” which was no longer quite as “safe and effective” as advertised, in order to prolong the travesty, and recommended a plethora of boosters for a failed preventative. You can’t fix what is broken by stacking more and more add-ons. The desperate makeshift should have been a dead giveaway. A false narrative had to be maintained at the expense of what should have been an evident reality.

Independent thinking and native skepticism have become absolutely indispensable if a looming catastrophe is to be averted. Individuals need to investigate the source of the political virus that was, so to speak, lab-engineered and unleashed against us, and to familiarize themselves with the dubious character and biographies of the usual suspects: Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, Rochelle Walensky,  Klaus Schwab, and Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, among others. The WHO is directed by said Ghebreyesus, an Ethiopian Marxist who served as a minister in the despotic Ethiopian political party Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), which was condemned for human rights violations and for contributing to Ethiopia’s famine in the 1980s. Though Ghebreyesus is predictably lauded in the mainstream media and left-wing organizations, his track record is truly despicable. It is no surprise that the WHO lied through its teeth, claiming in Spring 2020 with “doctored” evidence that COVID killed 3.4 percent of infected individuals, an estimate soon discredited. According to the Foundation for Economic Freedom, the bureaucrats at the WHO pursue a hidden agenda that “would readily place control of every person’s earnings and every patient’s care into a few powerful hands.” 

This is why the autonomy of the political state, attributed to the Peace of Westphalia (1648), is a settled necessity. Notwithstanding, The Boston Review, for example,  argues that the standard histories of the Westphalian system have been misconceived as a way of organizing political communities, that “sovereign states have been mythologized as the natural unit of political order” and that we should learn to ”think beyond them.” Moreover, much of the power that states once possessed has already “been redistributed to a variety of non-state institutions and organizations.” The Review essay partially relies on the discredited political historian Francis Fukuyama, who is known to be wrong about most everything.  Asked whether the nation-state is now inadequate in the face of pressing global problems, Fukuyama acknowledges that such “challenges cannot be solved by individual states.” The remedy has got to go global. A suspect authority, however, is not a confidence builder.

In any case, although the issue continues to be hotly debated, the Westphalian concept, however disputed, continues to provide a concrete template and default condition on which to ground an argument against the formation of a Globalist hegemony, as if we were witnessing the birth of a new iteration of a vast undemocratic entity like the Holy Roman Empire. For the Globalist Reset is only the secular version of the Holy Roman Empire with the world at its disposal. “In this era of global crisis, encompassing COVID-19 and the climate emergency,” the Review informs us, “we urgently need to find alternatives to our state-visions for reform.” The nation-state just won’t do. 

Of course, COVID was an orchestrated hoax, as many impeccable researchers, such as Deanna Kline, Mary Holland, Sally Saxon, Vernon Coleman, et al., have abundantly demonstrated. And there is no climate emergency. Premier scientists like John Casey, Bruce Bunker, Rupert Darwall, S. Fred Singer, and many others have left no doubt on the issue. Singer, in particular, exposes the dark purpose of controlling our lives down to the slightest detail. “Global Warming” is only the other face of a viral pandemic, serving the same purpose. The Review gets it wrong on both counts. One may wonder whether the Review is connected via subsidy or ideology, not only to the WHO but to powerful groups like GlaxoSmithKline or the Coalition for Economic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) formally launched at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos and funded primarily by the ubiquitous Bill Gates. 

Fortunately, 26 state governors have vowed not to comply with the WHO’s project. “As governors, we affirm that public health policy is a matter reserved for the states, not the federal government, and certainly not international bodies like the WHO,” the 24 Republican signatories write. It’s a promising beginning. We observe that the rights and powers retained by individual states are, in effect, part of a national arrangement with the federal union, as per the Tenth Amendment, which limits federal power but does not weaken the state. The internal distribution of rights and powers remains a national accord. In any event, the nation-state, in its essence, for all its problems, internecine conflicts, and tendencies to self-sabotage, is most likely a more stable and democratic option than either a patchwork diversity of smaller polities or an overarching Superstate of global dimensions.

The post-national state devoid of a core identity, as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau defined the Canada he is busily transforming into a malefic caricature of its former self, is at the center of the New Pandemic Treaty. It is a potential event of no less importance than the coming American election, for it possesses the power to radically and pejoratively recalibrate the Western order of democratic states by pre-empting control of national affairs via a series of repressive and imprescriptible health mandates. And the fact that many Western politicians share a profound sympathy with the project is equally disquieting.

Just as American voters must understand what is at stake in November, that is, whether they will have a constitutional republic or a socialist, one-party dictatorship, in the same way, citizens of the Western democracies have until May 2025, when the Pandemic Treaty Amendments will be put to the vote, to educate themselves about the machinations of the World Health Organization and its cronies to vaporize the political state and replace it with a Globalist dominion. The Overton Window is closing.


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