In what appears to be a blatant attempt at electioneering and, at minimum, extreme bias, the attorney general of Pennsylvania, Josh Shapiro, tweeted on Saturday that President Donald Trump is going to lose the state. Shapiro also accused Trump of actively attempting voter suppression. Instead of signaling his intention to protect all of the state’s voters equally, Shapiro’s tweet made it appear that he had no intention of giving Trump supporters a fair shake.
If all the votes are added up in PA, Trump is going to lose. That’s why he’s working overtime to subtract as many votes as possible from this process.
For the record, he’s 0-6 against us in court. We’ve protected voting rights. Now, ignore the noise—vote!
— Josh Shapiro (@JoshShapiroPA) October 31, 2020
The tweet reads, “If all the votes are added up in PA, Trump is going to lose. That’s why he’s working overtime to subtract as many votes as possible from this process. For the record, he’s 0-6 against us in court. We’ve protected voting rights. Now, ignore the noise—vote!” In the tweet, Shapiro linked an op-ed disguised as a news article that covered Trump’s appearance in Pennsylvania on Saturday.
Jim Geraghty of National Review didn’t take kindly to Shapiro’s tweet.
The person in charge of enforcing the law – regarding the election and everything else – in Pennsylvania just declared that Trump cannot legitimately win his state.
— Jim Geraghty (@jimgeraghty) November 2, 2020
The reaction on Twitter was not kind.
It is amazing that public officials show less caution in their statements than the average private citizen does at work. We get our professional licensees revokes for this kind of talk.
— Bobby Fresh (@_BobbyFresh_) November 2, 2020
Major Endorsement Boosts Trump’s Chances in Pennsylvania
He's actively trying to supress the Trump vote out of fear.
He should lose his job.
— JD Sharp (@imjdsharp) November 2, 2020
Ignore the obvious vote fraud going on? Philly isn't allowing Republican poll watchers? WTF? I guess you call that 'noise'.
— Wisconservative (@CarterFliptMe) November 2, 2020
So you're admitting that you're actively engaging in voter fraud? @realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump maybe you should save this tweet. #Trump #Trump2020 #TrumpPence2020 #VoteRed
— Christy Waters (@ThatChristyChic) November 2, 2020
Unless I’m confusing you with another state, you are counting votes submitted after Election Day and allowing ballots with unmatched signatures to be counted.
This is fundamentally wrong and an invitation for election theft.
And the rest of the country is appalled.
— THIS SPACE FOR RENT (@corrcomm) November 2, 2020
Geraghty, of course, has a legitimate point. The guy in charge of enforcing the law has expressed extreme public bias against a potential party in future legal proceedings regarding the election while crowing about his legal record in prior cases. If this were a jury pool, he would have disqualified himself out of the gate. In fact, with this cocky and biased public statement, he’s given the Trump campaign an argument that Shapiro should recuse himself from any legal challenges it may need to mount in Pennsylvania in the days after Election Day.
Sean Davis tweeted:
Before a single vote has been counted, Pennsylvania’s Democrat Attorney General is declaring that Biden has already won and promising to litigate the state into Biden’s corner.
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) November 2, 2020
No bias here.
As our friends at Twitchy said, “Well, in that case, Pennsylvania should just go ahead and give its electoral votes to Joe Biden. No point in even holding the election there anymore.”
The potential for mass voter fraud, after Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court ruled that vote counters didn’t need to verify signatures on mail-in ballots, was one reason I didn’t give Trump the state when I wargamed the Electoral College. This stance from the radical leftist attorney general for Pennsylvania seals it. How can anyone have confidence in a dispassionate, unbiased vote count in that state?
For the record, this is how I think things shake out on Tuesday (or in December, or whenever the legal challenges end):

Jeff Reynolds is the author of the book, “Behind the Curtain: Inside the Network of Progressive Billionaires and Their Campaign to Undermine Democracy,” available at Jeff hosts a podcast at You can follow him on Twitter @ChargerJeff, and on Parler at @RealJeffReynolds.
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