San Francisco Tosses Their Liberal DA — Has the Progressive Purge Begun?

AP Photo/Jeff Chiu

San Francisco’s liberal District Attorney (DA), Chesa Boudin, is now an unemployed weapons-grade jackpudding. He was sent packing this week by people fed up with his progressive commie ideas, especially involving crime. Who led the revolt against comrade Boudin? Many of the same people who fled communist China. How did Boudin not see this coming?


FACT-O-RAMA! San Francisco’s Asian community voted overwhelmingly — 67% — to send Boudin to the showers.

Boudin campaigned with promises to keep criminals out of jail, which he did. What could go wrong? How about skyrocketing crime, record homelessness, and an explosion of violence? Asians were the hardest hit, literally.

Despite the Democrats’ blistering “Stop Asian Violence” hashtag campaign (that’s sarcasm), anti-Asian violence exploded in San Francisco by 567%.

San Francisco is so woke. How woke are they? They are so woke, they asked the public to help identify a teen who set fire to an Asian woman but blurred his face.

Shoplifting, robberies, and lootings have gotten so bad that certain stores now only accept customers by appointment. Walgreens permanently closed at least 17 stores. Twenty-four businesses were hit in one especially debauched weekend. San Franciscans have had it.

FECES-O-RAMA! Roughly 61% of San Fran voters had had enough of their commie DA’s nonsense and voted him into the unemployement line, which means 39% were cool with record crime, brutal violence, and stepping on human waste Boudin street kabobs.

Related: Woke L.A. DA George Gascon’s Pet Transgender Child Rapist Is Now Facing a Murder Charge


Bad Family Commie Genes

Chesa Boudin’s parents were members of the “Weather Underground,” a radical, left-wing group of domestic terrorists. In 1981, when Chesa was 14 months old, his parents left him with a babysitter to act as get-away drivers for their chums in the Black Liberation Army (BLA) on a Brinks armored car robbery. Two police officers and a Brinks guard were killed. Boudin’s parents went to prison for decades. Chesa was raised by none other than Bill Ayers and his wife, Bernardine Dohrn.

As an adult, Boudin went to spendy colleges, toured South America, and eventually landed a job with Venezeula’s then-president, Hugo Chavez.

San Francisco is so woke. How woke are they? They are so woke, they put cameras on their subway system, Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART), during their crime wave but refused to release the surveillance videos because it might result in a “high level of racially insensitive commentary toward the district.”

Boudin won his DA gig by less than 3,000 votes and went on to do what communists do best: he gutted a once-beautiful city.


Like a true loser, Boudin ignores the devastation he has wrought and the violence he has allowed and blames “right-wing billionaires” for his recall. Ironically, left-wing commie billionaire George Soros donated to Boudin’s anti-recall effort.

The country’s most liberal city just tossed a born and bred communist out of office. Does this mean the nation’s gyroscope is steering us back upright? That’s hard to predict but I suspect candidates running in cities and states with a large Asian population will start taking the problems of their far eastern constituents a little more seriously.



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