
Commie Concert Series: Joe Was Just the Opening Act. Kamala Is the Headliner.

AP Photo/Ted S. Warren

While it's been a real rib-tickler watching Gropey Joe's political implosion, I wish President Biden had stayed in the race. It would have been entertaining to watch a vengeful Donald Trump clown-slap Biden on Election Day, mostly because it would have been way harder for the Democrats to cheat him into the White House a second time.

Biden is currently polling lower than a scorching case of Montezuma's revenge at an all-white party, with his approval rating at a snort-laughable 36%

FACT-O-RAMA! Is it just me or does an all-white party, which is popular with the so-called Hollywood elite, sound like a fancy Klan rally?

That is the only reason Biden got mutinied. Sic semper tyrannis.

With numbers like that, everyone except your flamingo-haired, gendervague-in-law would realize that the cheat was on. 

FACT-O-RAMA! The pinkos only need to keep Kamala's poll numbers close to Trump's, which they will lie to do. If they can keep her numbers near Trump's, they can cheat her in and make it look believable. Watch for her to remain within the "margin of error" even though, in reality, Trump is poised to trollop-wallop the cackle out of Kamala.

And ipso facto, opportunity knocks for Kamala Harris. Be wary.

Worse than being a legendary harridan, Harris is an award-winning apparatchik.

The supposedly non-partisan website GovTrack declared Harris the most liberal senator in 2019. It has since deleted the post, but Catturd has the receipt:

I can continue to tell to you that Harris is a seething pinko, but I'd rather you heard it from her.

Speaking of re-writing history, the Dybbuk dynasty that we call mainstream media, eager to separate their queen consort from the savagery that animals allowed over the southern border commit, the border she was sent to defend, are scrubbing any mention of her being the border czar.

Try as the Stalinists may, the truth is out there for anyone who cares to embrace it.

And for those mental bellyflops who will try to tell you that Harris wants the border closed, there is this:

Like every tyrant throughout the violent 20th century, despots our parents and grandparents fought purloined weapons from their people. An unarmed population isn't a threat to the bolshies.

Reminder, Australians gave up their guns after a mass shooting.

Now I will just put the cherry on Kamala's commie cake. This is what a Harris presidency will look like:

REMINDER-O-RAMA! Communist goal #15 of the 45 goals of communism: Take over one or both political parties in the United States.

As you can see — and as comrade Kamala has just told you — We the People are watching the rise of America's worst Trotskyite yet. 

In the eyes of the Left, Joe Biden did exactly what he was sent to do: set the stage for Kamala Harris to finish the job of fundamentally changing America.

Related: Where Is the Outrage? Democrats 'End Democracy,' Boot Biden, and Look to Install Their Next Puppet

Don't give her the chance. Vote like you mean it. It might be our last chance at democracy. Just ask all those Democrats who haven't had a fair primary in years.


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