Silence Hippie: Hurricanes Have Nothing to Do With 'Klymatt Chainje.'

AP Photo/Mike Carlson

Forgive the purposeful misspelling of "klymatt chainje," but spelling it correctly sets off alarms in the dungeon over at the deep state's favorite search engine, "goo-gul," which awakens Quasimodo (he can hear the bell), who then proceeds to demonetize PJ Media for saying things the globalists don't want you to read.


FACT-O-RAMA! Instead of using the words imate-clay ange-chay I will call it "Uncle Henry." For example, "Hurricanes aren't the result of Uncle Henry, you protein-deprived, cloud-clutching prairie fairy."

With hurricanes dominating the headlines, you've likely had some pusillanimous vegan dudette drone on about how the hurricanes are the result of Uncle Henry. They are not.

The truly stupefying thing I find is how confidently your typical liberal man-pixie, sucking down a skinny mocha chocolata ya ya, will "tutor" anyone dumb enough to listen to zhim talk nineteen to the dozen about how Uncle Henry is responsible for everything bad, such as inclement weather, lumpy oatmeal, and Phil Collins.

FACT-O-RAMA! I abhor Phil Collins.

For the record, I "identify" as someone who believes that Uncle Henry is nothing more than a sinister means of controlling Westerners.

The globalists intend to enslave us in the name of fighting Uncle Henry. Let's peep a few examples of what the leftoids blame on Uncle Henry. Fossil fuels are public enemy number one to the liberal jackpuddings. They believe that fossil fuels are the death dagger of Uncle Henry and thus must be relegated to the tar pits.

INSIDE JOKE-O-RAMA! Tar pits are one of the places we find oil.

Brainless trucklers think that throwing SpaghettiOs on priceless works of art will somehow make fossil fuels go away. Ironically, the only things that go away for two years are the anencephalic eco-goons who commit such a**-goblinry.

But the true target of the sky harpies isn't fossil fuel; that is just the Lee Harvey Oswald-like patsy. It's your F-150.


Related: Wrap Tinfoil Around Your Doorknob to Keep Eco-Doom Nutjobs Away: 56 Years of Climate Codswallop That Never Happened

How can the New World Order lock you down if you've got a tank full of gas? It can't. It wants society to rely on electricity for our vehicles, furnaces, etc. That way it can turn off your electricity if Big Brother thinks you've been naughty.

ESG SCORE-O-RAMA! The lizard people will give you an ESG (Environmental and Social Governance) score and use it to control you. If you aren't living a lifestyle that is "environmental" (green) or "social" (woke) enough for the communazis, you will be punished. Thus, if you tweet something dangerous like "Men can't give birth" or "What's with all these Muslims exploding at the Piggly Wiggly?" you may find your car and furnace shut off on Christmas Eve.

Back to the hurricanes.

Unless the weather is perfect, the enviro-ghouls blame Uncle Henry, and hurricanes are a grand example of bad weather.

Related: Klaus Schwab and the UN Still Want to Purloin Your Sirloin to Make the Weather Gooder

It's easy to understand why the fossil fuel-ophobes blame hurricanes on Uncle Henry. They either can't or won't wake up to the truth that deep-state globalist quislings have infested every institution in the nation and thus believe everything their masters say.

That's just dumb.

Inconvenient Truth #1: The FDA mocked people for taking "horse goo" (ivermectin) to fight COVID-19, knowing full well that it cleared ivermectin for human use in 1987.

Inconvenient Truth #2: Fifty-one former intel dunderbutts assured us that Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian codswallop. A few years later the contents of the laptop were used to convict him on gun charges.


I could go on, but who has the time to record every lie told by the federal gub'ment?

Despite these examples that the federal government is full of lying liarheads, the ecologic-less stooges run to the feds, who created the lie, for proof that Uncle Henry is an existential threat to "oh, the humanity."

BLIMP-O-RAMA! That last line is an homage to the Hindenburg, which I have recently learned that no one under the age of 30 has heard of. Apparently, they dont like Led Zeppelin either.

Check out what the hurricane "specialists" have to say about Uncle Henry over at the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA);

Now check out this same chart from NOAA:

NOAA, which bemoans Uncle Henry on one page, hits us with historical proof that the worst decades for hurricanes were long ago:

  1. 1941-1950
  2. 1891-1900
  3. 1931-1940
  4. 1881-1890
  5. 1871-1880 tied with 1891-1900
  6. 1851-1860

The #8 spot is 2011-2020. The decade with the least hurricanes was 1991-2000.

The three decades spanning 1871-1900 were particularly bad for hurricanes. With the exemption of 2011-2020, the decades since my birth (Nov. 21, 1965, hinty-hinty) were pretty slow for hurricanes.

Say wha? But the NOAA just said that Uncle Henry was real, real bad lied.

What have we learned?

We've learned that the nation's worst years for hurricanes occurred when our grandparents' grandparents ruled the world. 


If Uncle Henry was the plug-ugly existential threat that the globalists claim he is, he better step up his game.

Fill your tank, fire up your gas stove, and cook up a few steaks. Uncle Henry, like my fear of clowns, isn't real. It is there to control us. Don't take the bait.

EASTER EGG-O-RAMA! Did you notice the tabs in my NOAA screenshot?

And if your hirsute, non-binary something-in-law calls you a "science denier," remind zhim that men can't give birth. That is science.


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