Episode #17: David Platt Scandal, Archbishop of Canterbury Resigns, Clergy Mourn Trump's Election

Townhall Media

Yes, I stole that line from the Blues Brothers, so sue me. This week on "The Intersection of Faith and Politics," Paula and I spent surprisingly little time on the election. I don't know about you, but I was ready for a break. 


We did talk about David Platt. If you are an evangelical, a Baptist, or any Protestant, that is not one of the mainline religions you know the name. Platt was the man behind the "Radical" and "Secret Church" books. He is also what is known as a "celebrity pastor." Platt has been at the center of an uproar involving McLean Bible Church, which has five campuses in Virginia and Maryland. Platt and some of his associates have been accused of hijacking church funds, secretly affiliating the church with the Southern Baptist Convention, and shutting down church ministries, among other things. 

Platt was also the president of the Southen Baptist Convention's International Missions Board despite a lack of experience in the mission field. That led to a discussion about how to do and not do missions and whether or not people go into the mission field for the right reasons. We spend a few minutes on the danger of celebrity pastors like Platt and touch on the resignation of Archbishop Welby from the Anglican Church following some disturbing revelations. We wrap things up by highlighting that some preachers who prophesied a Trump win back in 2020 are now saying that they really meant 2024. Go figure. That's Common Core math for you.


Join us next week when I interview PJ's Robert Spencer about his new book "Muhammad: A Critical Biography." In addition to his columns on PJ, Robert is an outstanding historian and author, and you won't want to miss the conversation.

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