
I Will (Enthusiastically) Vote for Any Republican in November

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

I am supporting Ron DeSantis in the Republican primary. It’s nothing against Donald Trump. I enthusiastically voted for Trump in 2020 and am grateful for everything he did for our country. Lord knows I spent most of the 2016 presidential campaign convinced that Hillary Clinton was going to win. Two terms of Barack Obama were bad enough, but add four (and potentially eight) years of her in the White House? Could America survive?

Now we have to ask ourselves a similar question: Can America survive another four years of Biden—or more likely, Kamala Harris—in the White House? 

Donald Trump did a lot to reverse the damage done by Barack Obama, which Joe Biden mostly restored in his first year in office. Joe Biden’s presidency is basically a continuation of the Obama presidency, and it’s scary to think of just how easy it is now for this country to slide towards a leftist authoritarian state.

We can’t let that happen again.

In the aftermath of the Iowa caucuses, I’ve seen a lot of conservatives I respect react extremely negatively to Trump’s decisive victory. I can’t imagine why they didn’t expect it, as the polls had been making that outcome quite clear for some time. To them, the media’s rush to declare Trump the victor after less than one percent of the vote had been counted was proof that the liberal media wants Trump to be the GOP nominee, because that’s who Joe Biden wants as his opponent. This has made them even more angry at Trump.

Quite a few conservatives who support DeSantis have said they would not vote for Trump if he’s the nominee. I understand their passion for Ron DeSantis. I have it too. When I saw him speak at a CPAC a couple of years ago, I saw a future president. 

But I’m not about to sacrifice the future of this nation out of loyalty to any politician.

Related: What the Liberal Media Doesn’t Get About Trump’s Popularity

In 2016, Trump was not the candidate I wanted. I hated the fact that he even ran,  as I was convinced that he was a New York liberal who was trying to help Hillary get elected. Yes, I ultimately voted for Trump after concluding that he was the lesser of two evils. He turned out to be much better than I imagined—the fighter the party needed. Do I have issues with his style and other things? Sure. But he stood up to the Democrats and the media in a way I’d never seen Republicans do... pretty much ever.

Even though I’m supporting DeSantis now, and hate the way Donald Trump attacks him and other Republicans, assuming Trump is the nominee again in 2024, I will crawl over broken glass to vote for him again. Why? Because this country cannot afford four more years of Democratic control in the White House. 

Ronald Reagan once said, "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction." That’s wishful thinking. The Democrats have become so extreme so quickly that freedom is now never more than one election away from extinction. Had the Democrats had a larger majority in the Senate, they would have passed laws to federalize elections, enshrine universal mail-in voting, ban voter ID, extend ballot acceptance periods, restore voting rights for felons, allow automatic voter registration, and even abolish the Electoral College. 

Democrats can’t be trusted anymore. They’re too extreme, too hungry for power. I'd rather see any Republican candidate  ascend to the presidency than witness Joe Biden's victory, which will inevitably lead to Kamala Harris taking the reins.

Sorry, I can't do it. I don't care who the Republican nominee is; I'll vote for him or her enthusiastically. There is nothing to be gained by having unwavering allegiance to a single candidate, which precludes you from supporting another Republican over any Democrat. It may help your ego to proclaim you won't support "the lesser of two evils," but the stakes are so high right now. Can you really bear the consequences of allowing the Democrats to win?


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