Joe Biden Gives the Worst Excuse for His Terrible Debate Performance

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Did you think the excuse that Joe Biden "had a cold" during the debate was bad? Well, brace yourselves for this one.

On Tuesday evening, Joe Biden had a campaign fundraiser in McLean, Va., during which he blamed his poor debate performance on all of the foreign travel he did before the debate.


“I decided to travel around the world a couple of times… shortly before the debate,” Biden told donors. “It wasn’t very smart [to be] traveling around the world a couple times.”

“I didn’t listen to my staff," Biden added. "And then I almost fell asleep on stage."

Biden then reportedly apologized for his debate performance and hyped up the amount of money that the campaign had raised since the debate.

It's true that Joe Biden had been doing some international travel. He was in France for the 80th anniversary of D-Day, and in Italy for the G7 summit. But, here's the problem. Biden was in France June 5-9 and in Italy June 12-14. 

The debate was on June 27, nearly two weeks after his last international trip.

Biden was also resting at his Rehoboth Beach, Del., for a couple of days before the week he spent at Camp David preparing for the debate.

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Does anyone believe that he was suffering from jet lag two weeks after his last trip? It gets better. According to the New York Times, Biden was "drained enough from the back-to-back trips to Europe" that the team cut two days of debate prep so he could rest at his beach house before going to Camp David to get ready for the debate. "The preparations, which took place over six days, never started before 11 a.m. and Mr. Biden was given time for an afternoon nap each day," the paper reports.

It's nice to know that the President of the United States gets his afternoon naps in. That makes you feel confident about who's running the country, doesn't it?


Of course, we all know that Biden's excuse makes no sense, and one can't help but wonder who came up with it because the White House didn't mention foreign travel earlier in the day.

"The president did not have a great night," Jean-Pierre told the media during the White House press briefing. "The president had a cold. He had a hoarse voice. You all heard it."

She even, quite bizarrely, played the sympathy card by referencing his personal tragedies.

Related: The Biden Campaign Is in Chaos

"Joe Biden is a person," she said. "Take away his title, he is someone who has dealt with tragedy. He is someone who has confronted that head-on. He is someone who knows how to get back up once you've been knocked down."

The gaslighting from the White House, the Biden campaign, and even Biden himself is getting out of hand. They lost complete control of the narrative and are throwing out every possible excuse they can, hoping something sticks. It even looks like Biden is just making up his own excuses without even coordinating with the White House because he's blaming foreign travel from two weeks before the debate, while the White House is saying he had a cold.

It's not just the Biden campaign that's in chaos; it's the White House, too.


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