NY Parents Set to Sic the Law on School Board That Insists on Porn in School

Image: Fairport Police Department

The school board wars are turning up the temperature on porn-pushing administrators. In Fairport, N.Y., a group of parents has grown tired of asking for the school board to remove explicit books and materials from their schools. After months of asking nicely, speaking to the board, writing letters, and other efforts, the Fairport Educational Alliance has filed a claim against the board’s insurance bond.


This type of claim has been tried with forced masking in other parts of the country but has been unsuccessful. However, parents in Fairport say the major difference between those complaints and this one is that the school district is breaking federal and state laws which are tied directly to the complaint. This was the major flaw in trying to file insurance claims against schools for masking, as there were no laws on the books preventing them from imposing masks. There are, however, multiple laws against endangering children and distributing child pornography.

Going through the usual channels to remove the material hasn’t worked, as radical board members simply refuse to remove pornographic and obscene material despite months of petitioning. But filing a claim against the insurance bond could have expensive consequences if the insurance company investigation finds the board has violated its oath of office and put the insurance company at risk. The Fairport Educational Alliance believes this action will be successful because it is tied to several violations of state and federal law regarding the protection of children from obscenity and harm.

Section 1466A of Title 18, United States Code makes it illegal for any person to knowingly produce, distribute, receive, or possess with intent to transfer or distribute visual representations, such as drawings, cartoons, or paintings that appear to depict minors engaged in sexually explicit conduct and are deemed obscene. Harmful materials for minors include any communication consisting of nudity, sex or excretion that (i) appeals to the prurient interest of minors, (ii) is patently offensive to prevailing standards in the adult community with respect to what is suitable material for minors, (iii) and lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value for minors, according to the Department of Justice website.


The claim that was filed asks the board to remove the materials that are believed to be illegal child porn and obscenity from the school within five business days. If the insurance company finds that the board violated the rules, each member will be personally responsible for refunding the insurance company the entire amount of the surety.

This notice is provided to inform you that the Notifying Party (We the People [resident taxpayers] for whom you are obligated to serve) have provided the above descriptions of the unconstitutional and illegal actions that have endangered the moral health of my children attending (or who have attended and/or would like to return to) the Fairport Central School District. Furthermore, the presence and use of obscene material used as teaching aides, props or just available for use by minors, is inappropriate material in any FCSD school. If these obscene materials are not removed, I will seek damages for the full amount listed above. 

The group has asked for $100,000 in damages, but the goal is not the money. The parents simply want the school to get rid of the pornographic materials. If the insurance company fails to hold the board accountable, the parents aren’t done with them. If the board has not removed the materials from the schools by this coming Tuesday, they plan to immediately file criminal complaints with the sheriff’s office and the local police, showing that the board is in violation of federal and state law. The Fairport Police, the Monroe County Sheriff’s office, and the District Attorney have been notified of the intent to file criminal complaints and have received the material from the parents’ group asking them to review the board’s actions. Those complaints will have to be investigated and if authorities do nothing, they will have to explain why it’s okay for a school board to provide children with pornography, including child pornography (visual depictions of children performing sex acts), in violation of the law.


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Some of the materials found in the Fairport schools are so vile it’s hard to believe. Some books include QR codes that lead children online to explicit porn sites, including one that teaches them how to use hook-up apps and meet up with adult sexual predators. It is unconscionable that any school official would defend this material.

Representatives of the group served the Fairport school board on Tuesday night after going over the multiple violations they found in the law.

“The law is the law and your board policies do not supersede or usurp the law pertaining to children and obscenity,” said a spokesperson for the parents. “This is not sex education but rather pleasure-based sexualization.”

He then told the board what he found in the book Trans +, which the superintendent defended in a recent book challenge. “This book contains QR codes that take children to obscene sites that contain additional hyperlinks.” Among those links, parents found “everything you need to know about first-time anal sex, 17 next-level oral sex tips, when giving head use your tongue wisely, 4 tips to help you master blowjobs, and 13 top-rated vibrators to hit your g-spot,” and other inappropriate and clearly adult material.

Another book found in the school’s library, called This Book is Gay, instructed children how to use a sex app. The book encourages children to use sex apps to find the “nearest homosexual” to rape them. And that’s what this is, because children can’t consent to sex, nor can they legally use sex apps before the age of majority. Let it sink in that school administrators think it’s perfectly fine for the children in their care to use sex apps to be raped by the adults who use them.


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“This is not about book banning or censorship,” he continued “but about age appropriateness. The Supreme Court ruled in 2002 this does not violate anyone’s First Amendment Rights. You, however, are in violation of multiple state penal codes and federal laws.”

Some of the laws mentioned in the complaint that prohibit material for children like this are:

  • NYS Penal Law: Article 235, Disseminating indecent material to minors
  • NYS Penal Law: Article 260.10, Endangering the welfare of a child
  • Federal Law: 18 U.S.C. § 1470, Transfer of obscene material to minors

The detailed complaint below describes these and more laws that the explicit material violates.

The Fairport parents are taking the right steps to end this, using the laws already in place. Someone needs to stop the proliferation of obscene material being given to children under the guise of “diversity and inclusion.” Will it be the Monroe County Sheriff?

If Todd Baxter takes his job seriously as a sheriff who has promised to uphold the laws of the land, the Fairport School District will be the first school board in the nation to face criminal charges over giving pornographic books to kids. But they could avoid that if they would just do a few simple things. The parents of Fairport have given the district an easy out: remove the obscene books and materials that promote overt sexuality and establish transparency by completing a full audit of all library and curriculum resources to identify and remove sexually explicit material. The board has until Tuesday to decide if they will comply or risk a visit by law enforcement.


PJ Media attempted to contact the superintendent of the Fairport School District for comment but was unsuccessful in reaching him. If he does respond, we will update this article.

Itf Fhs Update by PJ Media


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