The Worldwide IT Outage Isn't Funny, but the Memes Sure Are


This morning, I reported a worldwide IT outage affecting everything from airlines to hospitals to 911 systems to workplaces. A bad Crowdstrike update sent to millions of users around the world was to blame, and it may take months before everything goes back to normal. Friends and family members who work in IT are having an absolutely terrible day, as is the guy who sent out the update, I'm sure. 


Nevertheless, the internet did what the internet does: It made light to the situation and added some needed levity for those affected by the outage. Here are some of my favorites. 

First up is a screenshot of (alleged) IT people gaming X's AI. Grok had a rough day too. 

There were a few of these as well: 

This one comes from the TOLDYASO! file: 

And then there were the poor IT guys whose days were ruined by the outage. 

Those not affected by the outage were quick to dunk: 

I'm pretty sure my husband, a lifelong PC man, became a Mac guy today. 

And, of course, there was no shortage of Y2K memes: 


Then there were the tweets coming at Crowdstrike and Microsoft: 

This one isn't real, but still... 

Finally, we have the requisite "put a fork in us" meme.

God bless all the hardworking IT folks who keep things up and running behind the scenes. We see you. 


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