Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) has been one of the most outspoken critics of the Trump administration, but at this congressional hearing it seemed more like she was having a one-sided conversation. She was supposed to be interviewing Secretary of Treasury Steven Mnuchin, but instead spent several minutes talking to herself, as she kept interrupting him every time he tried to respond to her own questions. After this, you’ll hear “Reclaiming my time” in your sleep, likely your nightmares. When asked to intervene, the committee’s chairman, Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-TX), said that he had explained, when setting up the ground rules, how “administration witnesses should be treated, not necessarily the way they will be treated. So the time belongs to the Gentlelady from California [Waters]…”
Maxine Waters Literally Wouldn't Let Sec. Mnuchin Answer Her Questions

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