
NYC Mayor Adams After DC Migrant Crisis Meeting Says 'Help is Not On the Way"

AP Photo/John Minchillo

The illegal immigrant crisis in northern cities is getting worse and Joe Biden continues to try and ignore the problem.

And it's not just Biden. Almost the entire Democratic Party has turned their backs on big city mayors who are struggling to feed, house, clothe, and find employment for hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams paid another visit to Washington, D.C. on Thursday, begging Congress to help New York City deal with 95,000 new arrivals since early this year. He left our nation's capitol empty-handed.

"We did not walk out from D.C. with any level of optimism that anything is going to drastically change," Adams told religious leaders in a speech on Friday morning. Adams met with congressional leaders as well as Biden administration officials and the word from them was clear.

You're on your own.

"It is clear that for the time being, this crisis is going to be carried by the cities," he said at City Hall on Friday. "Here in New York City, as you know, we had a very painful November plan that we had to produce, and now we’re looking forward for the direction of how do we address a $7 billion budget deficit that we have to address in January."

The list of cutbacks is shocking. Police, fire, sanitation, libraries, and almost every public service are cutting their budgets by 5%. The New York Times reports, "The budget cuts would bring the number of Police Department officers below 30,000 for the first time since the 1980s, slash the Education Department budget by $1 billion over two years and delay the rollout of composting in the Bronx and Staten Island — one of the mayor’s signature initiatives to address rats and climate change."

The cuts would be even deeper next year unless the city gets an immediate infusion of cash.

"And these men and women behind me, who are service providers in some way or another — they see firsthand what these cuts are doing and will do. This is not the budget we want to pass. The budget we wanted to pass clearly invested in children and families and those who are in need," he said. "We are at an untenable situation right now, and it is painful for us. It's painful for the city. And I think that you see it being reflected in the polls. It is because our federal government's actions have taken a toll on the people of this city."

A recent Quinnipiac poll showed Adam's approval rating at 28% which is the lowest rating for any New York City mayor since the poll began tracking the statistic in 1996. The issue of illegal immigration isn't just dragging down Adams's numbers. The entire Democratic Party is being weighed down by border security and immigration.

A recent NBC poll found voters preferring Republicans over Democrats on border security (50%-20%) and on immigration (46% to 27%).

Given the choice, congressional Democrats would just as soon ignore the border issue and anything that reminds voters of the border crisis, as Adams found out in his visit to DC.

"We’re going to continue to do our job in this administration, but these are extremely challenging times, and as I left Washington, D.C., I did not leave with optimism. I left with the cold reality that help is not on the way in the immediate future," he warned. "It is going to be — at this moment, it is going to be up to New Yorkers and this administration to continue to navigate this challenge that we’re facing."

If anything, Biden is more standoffish in helping the cities deal with the crisis. When talking about the border crisis, he never mentions the effect his policies have had on migration to the cities. And remember: these are Democratic mayors in Democratic cities. 

Adams strutted around like a paragon of moral virtue when it was small towns in Texas and Arizona that were bearing the brunt of the border crisis and New York's status as a "sanctuary city" was something he bragged about. 

But once Texas Governor Greg Abbott began busing hundreds of illegal aliens to New York City, and the federal government also began sending the illegals his way, he quickly changed his tune. Being a "sanctuary city" definitely has its drawbacks.


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