Far-Left Strategist Has an Idea of Who Should Dust Off Her Broomstick and Replace Biden

AP Photo/Seth Wenig

This was bound to happen sooner or later. The Dems want to ditch Papa Dementia, but all they have to replace him are a disreputable gaggle of hacks, quacks, lilliputians and psychopaths. And yet they do have a seasoned, experienced candidate, a far-left ideologue with boundless ambition and a burning hatred for Donald Trump. That’s right, she’s perfect: are you ready, and is the world ready, for Hillary 2024?


The latest to float this most leaden of trial balloons is one Pablo O’Hana, “a senior political adviser and commentator who served prominent UK political figures, including the deputy prime minister, secretaries of state, ministers and the leader of the Liberal Democrats. He worked on the campaign to Remain in the EU and helped deliver a ‘Yes’ result in Ireland’s referendum on legalizing abortion.”  Oh, brother. All this clown has to do is start prancing around in a dress and he’ll have an A+ on his leftist report card.

With a resume like that, O’Hana has already done quite enough damage, but he isn’t finished. Now he says that “the strongest argument against replacing President Joe Biden as the 2024 Democratic nominee is the notion that no suitable successor exists. But there is, and not just a good one but one of the most qualified people ever to run for the office: Hillary Rodham Clinton.” Imagine the collective shudder that would go through the body politic if Hillary threw her pointy black hat into the ring.

O’Hana is ready, however, with all sorts of compelling reasons for getting your “I’m With Her!” t-shirt out of mothballs. “Clinton is younger than both Biden and Trump. Given the current furor over age, this is not a trivial fact; energy and stamina are equated with capability.” It’s true: Hillary will be 77 come November, compared to Trump at 78 and Biden at 81, turning 82 just weeks after the election. O’Hana says nothing, however, about Hillary’s famous health scare of Sept. 2016, in which she appeared on the verge of collapse as she was helped into a limo and hustled away.


Many people at the time were skeptical about the Clinton campaign’s official explanation of what had happened, and with good reason: she supposedly had pneumonia, but didn’t even notify some of her top staffers of the fact. Suspicions persist that she has never been fully forthright about the state of her health, and she is nearly eight years old now.

As far as O’Hana is concerned, however, Clinton is “a ready-made replacement.” She has “an unparalleled resume and an unmatched depth of experience.” And not only that: she has also “consistently redefined the roles she has served, from secretary of State and U.S. senator to first lady and Children’s Defense Fund attorney.” Yes, that’s true, and that’s one reason why the prospect of a Hillary Clinton presidency remains as worrisome as it was when she was a confident front-runner facing an unexpected primary challenge from a little-known Illinois senator named Barack Hussein Obama.

When Obama supplanted Hillary and became president, he did plenty to “redefine” the role of the president, laying the groundwork for the deep corruption and politicization of the military, the Justice Department, the FBI, and much more. The Biden regime’s craven misuse of the DoJ to go after his principal political opponent on spurious, cobbled-together and flimsy charges is one of the most craven acts of any Chief Executive in all of American history, and it would not have been possible if Obama hadn’t facilitated the firing and early retirement of so many patriots and their replacement by partisan hacks.


     Related: A Modest Proposal for the Dems: I’ve Got Just the Presidential Candidate for You

As president, Hillary Clinton would likely administer the coup de grace to any lingering sense that maybe political dissidents can still get a fair shake in America today. She could very well end all hope that the two-tier justice system that has been so flagrantly in view during the Biden regime would be just a temporary feature of the American landscape. She could complete the transformation of America that Obama promised, making it the dreary one-party socialist state of her grim, monochromatic dreams.

O’Hana’s trump (ahem) card is that “according to a poll released in the wake of Biden’s disastrous debate, Clinton is already favored to take down Trump, 43 percent to 41 percent.” That is, of course, what’s behind this whole thing: the Democrats will save “our democracy” by convicting, imprisoning, or removing from the ballot their most formidable opponent. They want to remove their democratically chosen candidate because they’re afraid he will lose.

That’s also our biggest hope to avoid the nightmare of a Hillary Clinton presidency: she has already lost twice. Can she possibly play the savior for the Democrats as they face the prospect of a repudiation at the ballot box so thoroughgoing that it will make 1984 look like a stunning victory?



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