Meanwhile, the Biden-Harris Regime Tackles the Biggest Problem the World Faces Today

AP Photo/Nick Ut

There has still been no proof that Old Joe Biden is still in minimal possession of his faculties or even still with us, other than a highly questionable voice recording played during a Kamala Harris rally. Yet there is no reason to be concerned that America’s enemies will decide to take advantage of the disarray in Washington. Rest assured, the sentinels of freedom are still on the job, tackling the biggest challenge our nation faces today: you guessed it, they’re fighting “Islamophobia.”


Yes, this is real. Jewish Insider reported Friday that according to “Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff,” who is the husband of Sorta President Kamala Harris, “the Biden administration plans to soon release new guidance on best practices for combating Islamophobia.” 

Wait a minute. Why is Doug Emhoff, who is a private citizen, involved in any administration initiative, no matter how worthy (or unworthy) that initiative may be? Which valuable Polk administration initiative did George Mifflin Dallas’ wife head up? (He was vice president from 1845 to 1849). None, of course; she even stayed in the family home in Pennsylvania and only rarely came to Washington while her hubby was a heartbeat away. But surely Anna Street Morton, the charming spouse of Vice President Levi P. Morton (1889-1893), was a valued part of the Benjamin Harrison administration’s governing apparatus? 

Nope. Nor did any other Second Lady until the recent decades of a leviathan federal bureaucracy ever have a role in government. It fell to the nation’s first Second Gentleman to symbolize the federal government’s endless growth and outrageous bloat by leading an administration initiative. Fittingly, Emhoff is working on something the federal government has no business being involved in but is typical of the Biden regime: an initiative that will result in restrictions on speech.


This is because the term “Islamophobia” is an illegitimate conflation of two distinct phenomena: vigilante attacks against innocent Muslims, which are never justified, and honest analysis of the motivating ideology of jihad terror, which is always necessary. The objective of this conflation is to silence that analysis by falsely claiming that it leads to or causes those attacks.

Even worse, Emhoff noted, according to Jewish Insider, “that many of those participating in Thursday’s meeting are ‘part of the interagency group that the president stood up to counter antisemitism and also Islamophobia.’” Why the equivalence? Antisemitism has broken out with new virulence and violence all over North America and Europe since Hamas jihadis murdered 1,200 Israelis on Oct. 7, 2023. 

But “Islamophobia”? The world has not seen attacks on innocent Muslims on anything like the scale of attacks on Jews since Oct. 7, nor should it. In fact, actual incidents of “anti-Muslim hate” are so rare that they have to be invented to shore up the left’s sagging victimhood narrative. 

In a typical incident, the Daily Mail reported on July 11 that “University of Washington student Isha Hussein claimed that her roommate made Islamophobic remarks and threatened to stab her with a knife as she prayed. The roommate denied the allegations but was temporarily removed from her dorm and later moved out due to the hostility she faced. However, a campus police report concluded it ‘could not establish probable cause’ after a witness contradicted Hussein’s account.” This is just the latest in a long, long line of claimed incidents of “Islamophobia” that turned out to be fake.


Related: Former U.S. Muslim Brotherhood Leader Confirms: The ‘Islamophobes’ Were Right All Along

Nevertheless, now we have this initiative under the guise of an effort to counter vigilante attacks against Muslims. But what it will lead to will be that those who support Israel or criticize the jihad ideology will be liable to be considered enemies of the state. The Biden regime has never been a friend of the freedom of speech, as we saw with its pressure on the social media giants to silence COVID dissidents.

Emhoff revealed happily: “The first deliverable, in May of 2023, was the first-ever national strategy to counter antisemitism. We are now getting into year two with additional actions. There will be an Islamophobia plan coming out soon as well, and making sure we are fighting hate wherever it exists.” 

This is the most hateful administration in American history, demonizing its principal foe and half the electorate as enemies of the republic. But there’s hate and there’s hate. Opposing jihad violence and Sharia oppression of women, that’s hate. Hating Donald Trump and Israel? Why, that’s love! 

Anyway, if Emhoff really wants to fight “Islamophobia,” I have an idea: what if they just stopped blowing stuff up?



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