
The Sky Is Falling: Now CNN Commentators Turn on Kamala, Complain of ‘Word Salad City’

AP Photo/Matt Rourke

Are the rats deserting the sinking ship? Every day it looks more and more as if they are, as leftist media propagandists in increasing numbers are suddenly remembering that they’re supposed to be journalists, and are daring more and more to criticize the Candidate of Joy herself, Kamala Harris. Do they not want to be the ones who have to turn out the lights when the last reveler gives up hope of celebrating what would be the biggest victory for identity politics yet, the election of the first Woman of Color to pretend to be president of the United States?

First, it was MSNBC. The most sycophantic of the establishment left’s propaganda outlets is all in for Kamala, publishing story after story about how “John Kelly’s ‘October shock’ should disqualify Trump” and “The list of Harris’ Republican backers adds some striking new names.” Yet even MSNBC paused long enough from its steady inundation of the American people with bull hockey to run a story about black Trump supporters making the case against Kamala Harris. 

Sunspots? Water on the moon? Maybe. But maybe not. Now CNN, not to be outdone, has likewise taken a short break from stories such as “How a one-time Trump official built a business out of election denialism” and “House GOP panel hired 2 officials involved in fake elector scheme” to air some genuine criticism of Kamala Harris’ inept campaign. Are both CNN and MSNBC trying to position themselves as blameless if Harris goes down in flames and doesn’t win the election?

Fox News reported Thursday that “CNN commentators were critical of Vice President Kamala Harris' town hall on Wednesday, suggesting the vice president gave ‘word salad’ answers when she didn't want to answer a question.” And not just any CNN commentators, either: the Harris critic in question was none other than David Axelrod, the go-to strategist for both of Barack Obama’s presidential victories. When you’ve lost David Axelrod, is there hope for you among Democrat top dogs? Kamala Harris has never had to ponder that question before, but she does now.

"The thing that would concern me is when she doesn’t want to answer a question," said Axelrod without pointing out that Harris actually never wants to answer a question. "Her habit,” Axelrod continued, “is to kind of go to ‘word salad city,’ and she did that on a couple of answers. One was on Israel. Anderson asked a direct question, ‘Would you be stronger on Israel than Trump?’ And there was a seven-minute answer, but none of it related to the question he was asking."

The whole idea, of course, was that no one was supposed to notice that there was no there there. The idea of a word salad barrage is that it actually puts the listener on the defensive, making him think his attention flagged or he missed something, and thus his inability to find the answer to the question is his own fault, not Kamala Harris'. 

Harris banks on her hearers being too timid, inattentive, or polite to actually grasp that her word salad is a defense mechanism, like the foul odor of a skunk, to keep predators at bay. If you get lost in it, well, that’s exactly the idea. For no less a leftist luminary than David Axelrod to notice this is devastating for Harris.

And Axelrod wasn’t finished. "On certain questions like that, on immigration,” he said, “I thought she missed an opportunity because she would acknowledge no concerns about any of the administration’s policies. And that’s a mistake. Sometimes you have to concede things and she didn’t concede much."

      Related: Wait, Is Kamala Losing Even MSNBC Now?

Of course, she didn’t. Axelrod may be right that “sometimes you have to concede things,” but Harris is in an extremely difficult position when it comes to the Biden regime’s abysmal record. If she acknowledges just how abysmal it really is, or even just comes close to doing so, then the inevitable question will be, “If you did such a bad job over the last four years, why should we elect you to do even more damage for another four?” And if she insists that the regime’s record is sterling, she opens herself to charges of being disingenuous, which, of course, she is. 

And now even CNN is growing disenchanted. The joy is fading all across the board for Kamala Harris. Will America thus be spared four years of her word salads, creepy cackles, and authoritarian bent? We’ll see.


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