Google Changes Its Calendar. Woke Mob Loses Its Mind.

AP Photo/Ted S. Warren

Goodbye, Black History Month, Women’s History Month, and Pride Month. So long, Indigenous People Month, Jewish Heritage Month, and Hispanic Heritage Month. 


Well, you can still celebrate all of these things if you want to, but Google Calendar is no longer forcing them upon you if you don't. While some people are blaming Donald Trump — who else? — the tech giant said that it actually made the decision last year because trying to keep up with all of the cultural and historic events was just too much. So it's sticking to public and national holidays. A spokesperson said

Some years ago, the Calendar team started manually adding a broader set of cultural moments in a wide number of countries around the world. We got feedback that some other events and countries were missing — and maintaining hundreds of moments manually and consistently globally wasn’t scalable or sustainable.

It makes sense. You can't please all the people all of the time, so why try? Of course, the woke mob isn't happy and doesn't understand that this is actually just a smart business move rather than some kind of personal blow to its beliefs. People have taken to sites like Reddit and X and even the Google Support forums to share their outrage over... a calendar not automatically reminding them about an event. I mean, they do actually realize that they can go into their personal calendars and add the dates themselves, right? No one is stopping them from celebrating whatever they want to.


A quick visit to the "Google Calendar Help" forums and you'll find posts entitled "Calendar used to capitulate to fascism."  It reads, "Google has removed Black History Month, Pride Month, Indigenous Peoples Day, Native American History Month, and Hispanic Heritage Month from populating on calendars on Android phones. This is shameful. Reinstate these calendar dates!!!"   

And these posts have responses like, "These bootlickers have immediately shown us who they are. I thought I was the only one who noticed! Let's spread the word! Google are Nazi sympathizers. 'Submitting 'Feedback' to the ether will accomplish nothing. Shout it out loud!" Oh yeah, Nazis ran concentration camps and Google took "Pride Month" off its calendar — totally the same thing. 

My favorite response was this one: "Furthermore, it is absolutely offensive that they are suggesting we all get to choose our own reality by choosing to include or exclude observances that absolutely do exist in order to not offend Fascist white Christian Nationalist sensibilities." 

So giving you more freedom in your life is offensive and "white Christian Nationalist"?  No wonder these people vote for a bloated government every year. I am beginning to wonder how they do basic things like eat, walk, and use the bathroom without some authority figure telling them how to do it. 


You'll find more of the same kinds of posts on Reddit. Some of these posts have thousands of asinine responses. If you need a good laugh — or want to raise your blood pressure, depending on your mood — I highly recommend checking them out.

It's almost like the government and all of these companies have been bending over backward to cater to this group of delusional people for several years, and it got to be too much and all fell apart when the rest of us got fed up and voted for the grownups to come back into the room. Oh wait, that's exactly what's happening. And I have to admit that it's pretty glorious.  


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