The Tyranny of FEMA: Elon Musk Versus Biden-Harris

AP Photo/George Walker IV

There’s great power in charity. And like the Bible says, “With great power comes great responsibility.” (Wait, that’s not in the Bible. I think it’s from Spider-Man. Either way, a good line’s a good line, so I’m keeping it.) 


But along with great responsibility, with great power comes the potential for great abuse.

Interestingly, Judaism seems to recognize the inherent dangers of charity and actually breaks down charitable (tzedakah) donations into eight moral tiers: The lowest form of charity is donating unwillingly or with reluctance and regret. The next lowest is donating less than the appropriate amount but doing so happily. Then it’s donating after being asked, followed by donating before being asked.

The two highest forms of charity are (second highest) providing help in a way that keeps the donor and recipient anonymous, and (the highest) helping someone become financially independent so that they no longer rely on charity.

You don’t need to enter rabbinical school to understand Maimonides’ logic: Charity is a means to an end. Its purpose is to help people get back on their feet — with honor, respect, and dignity. It’s NOT to empower the wealthy so that they lord over the poor.

And this brings us to FEMA — the feckless, rudderless, arrogant government agency that’s accountable, apparently, to absolutely no one.

The recent flooding swallowed large parts of Florida, Georgia, and the Carolinas. Hurricanes Helene and Milton delivered a double-whammy that left thousands homeless. Some communities in Florida (including my own in Tampa Bay) fared pretty well — after all, Florida has the institutional know-how to deal with hurricanes, along with a highly competent, hands-on governor — but other regions faced utter decimation.


In my article about awaiting Milton’s arrival, a reader left this comment:

LionessOfYeshua 3 days ago

As much as I love this site and respect ALL the writers and editors and contributors (Hell I'm a VIP GOLD member) As a survivor of WNC In Asheville with what just happened it pains me very much to read the comments and I'm SOOOO happy you had warning and a governor who gives a s**t. But I'll be dammed if I let what happened to my community be a FOOTNOTE in history. WE WERE NOT AFFORDED AN ESCAPE plan. We are still here struggling...and before some snowflake come for me...My house was covered by a mudslide and ya know how I'm writing this??? In a parking lot at Tractor supply because that's THE ONLY WIFI I can get. It's October 9th.....still no power or water. Our water will be out FOR MONTHS!!!! Again I'm glad yall had the resources and a Governor who gave a s**t about yall but we are still here...trying our damdest to survive. FEMA WONT HELP ME. They say I have an identity problem. They can't find me in the system..yet they take taxes out of my check every week....DO NOT LET US BE FORGOTTEN!!!!!

Instead of leading the recovery, FEMA has led in red tape: It has thrown roadblocks and created artificial obstacles to prevent outside help:


Of course, any government agency big enough to help is also big enough to hurt. Today, CNN reported that FEMA has actually suspended helping North Carolinians, claiming that angry citizens were “threatening them.” So they’re taking their charity away.

(Isn’t that nice? Apparently, FEMA employees have tighter security than Donald Trump, who’s dodging assassination attempts every other week now.)

Gee, I can’t imagine WHY those North Carolinians are so angry. Maybe (and this is just a thought) it’s because FEMA’s response has been abysmally inadequate?

The CNN article also blames a “backdrop of misinformation,” which is the latest government euphemism for “legitimate criticisms.”

Nobody should threaten anyone with violence, of course. Most FEMA fieldworkers are doing the best they can. But something profound is going on: The American people have stopped expecting the government to help them. 


Instead, they’re turning to the Free Market.

The majority of Asheville residents (the ones who are still left) probably couldn’t tell you who runs FEMA. But I guarantee you they know who Elon Musk is: He’s the billionaire who’s actually trying to make a difference.

And when help finally comes to North Carolina, it’ll be from Musk — not Uncle Sam.

Keep your eyes on this: The ground is starting to shift… and not because of natural disasters.


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