Blue’s Clues, a show for kids between 3 and 5 years old, has endorsed LGBT “pride,” complete with flags for various sexual identities, including pansexuality, bisexuality, and transgender identity. While sexuality barely has any meaning for children this young, Nickelodeon has already pushed to normalize LGBT activism for preschoolers.
Nickelodeon rebooted the classic Nick Jr. series Blue’s Clues in 2019, and last month, the show’s “ABC Song” featured a rainbow-colored “P” for “Pride,” and eight separate LGBT flags. The flags represent pansexual, lesbian, bisexual, asexual, gender fluid, transgender, non-binary, and intersex identities.

It seems the reboot show, Blue’s Clues & You, did not explain these flags or the sexual identities they represent, but the evocative word “pride” and the mysterious flags will likely lead children to ask their parents questions, and older children may turn to the Internet for answers.
Between 3 and 5, preschoolers grapple with their own identities as male or female, and they develop an understanding of basic gender roles. This territory is already confusing enough for little children in the 21st century, but any mention of sexual identity or transgenderism would likely make it even more confusing.
Even older children (ages 5 to 8) who attended a “transition party” for a boy who identified as a girl at Rocklin Academy in California came home “traumatized.”
Your Kindergartener WILL Learn About Transgenderism, And You Won’t Be Notified
Jonathan Keller, of the California Family Council, told LifeNews that the transgender “lesson” scared the kids. “There were several of the little girls that went to their parents and were crying and saying, ‘mommy or daddy, am I going to turn into a boy?'” he recounted. One of the little boys who apparently hadn’t given “gender” a thought before the event started asking his mother if he can dress as a girl for school.
Furthermore, the transgender-industrial complex rushes children onto dangerous “puberty-blocking” drugs — which some endocrinologists warn actually introduce a disease into otherwise healthy bodies, and may render children sterile — in the name of preventing gender-confused kids from going through “the wrong puberty.”
Rachel Levine, assistant secretary of health at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under Joe Biden, endorsed these drugs — which many have called “chemical castration” because they may render children sterile — in order to avoid the “terrifying” experience of “going through the wrong puberty.”
Yet last year, Britain’s High Court ruled that children under age 16 lack the ability to consent to “puberty-blocking” drugs and cross-sex hormones that have irreversible life-long effects. Children who undergo such “treatments” often persist in transgender identity and lose their ability to have children later in life.
Furthermore, there is no evidence that transgender surgery improves the mental health outcomes of gender dysphoric people. Men and women who formerly identified as transgender and underwent surgery have grown to reject transgender identity and lament the damage they did to their own bodies.
The Blue’s Clues & You video did not just celebrate transgender identity, however. Many of the identities represented by the flags in the video involve sexual desires and sexual activity, such as lesbianism and bisexuality. The video seems more geared toward normalizing all forms of LGBT identity, but some parents may fear that videos like this are trying to sexualize their young children.
While Nickelodeon likely intended to be “inclusive” with this graphic, this outright celebration of LGBT activism and identity is divisive. Traditional families of all religious backgrounds — Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, and more — will react to this subtle LGBT activism with horror and disgust.
What producer thought it was a good idea to advocate for LGBT identities in a show geared toward 3-year-old children?!
I remember my brother watching Blue’s Clues as a child — I was just a few years too old for the show, but even I enjoyed parts of it. I would never imagine such a fun show clearly geared toward preschoolers becoming so blatantly political, not to mention pro-LGBT. As my daughter nears the age for Blue’s Clues & You, I’ll have to make sure she never watches the rebooted version. What a shame.
Tyler O’Neil is the author of Making Hate Pay: The Corruption of the Southern Poverty Law Center. Follow him on Twitter at @Tyler2ONeil.
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