Things are getting more interesting in the U.S. Senate race between that barnacle-encrusted boat anchor, Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.), and veterans’ activist and nurse Tiffany Smiley, the Republican. RealClearPolitics has moved the race from “leans Democrat” to “toss-up.” One poll predicts that “right now, the Washington Senate race has become ground zero for a wave election upset.”
We’ll see. That requires voters to actually turn in their ballots in this mail-in ballot state.
RCP just moved the WA Senate race to a tossup! It’s a GREAT day to be team @SmileyForWA #wasen
— Elisa Carlson (@ElisaCarlson01) October 30, 2022
Smiley has been ascendant in recent weeks and has received key aid from Mitch McConnell and his Senate PAC money. She has acquitted herself well on the campaign trail and during debates.
A recent poll put Murray up by eight points, but she’s lost that edge recently because of the horrible conditions on the ground in Washington: record gas prices with the intent to raise them even more because of the Democrats’ religious obsession with the weather. Truck drivers need diesel fuel to get goods to customers, and there’s a Democrat-policy-induced shortage. Food is more expensive. Everything is more expensive. Why is America funding both sides of the Ukraine-Russian war? Nobody knows but even Ukraine-flag virtue-signalers in Washington know this makes no sense.
And RealClearPolitics has now listed the race as a toss-up and a statistical tie. After three decades of doing nothing in the Senate, Patty Murray may have to find a real job.

The toss-up designation was prompted by a new Trafalgar poll showing that Murray’s support is at 49.4% with Smiley just a shade back at 48.2% with 2.4% of the voters still undecided.
New @trafalgar_group #WASen #Poll (10/25-28) shows incumbent #Murray still slightly in lead, but shaping up to be a surprising nail biter. #wapol
49.4% @MurrayCampaign
48.2% @SmileyForWA
2.4% UndSee Report:
— Robert C. Cahaly (@RobertCahaly) October 29, 2022
And still another poll has moved the race into a statistical tie after Murray lost the four-point edge she enjoyed as recently as September.
The Moore Information Group poll revealed higher negative ratings for Murray.
Murray’s net favorability is now minus three percent (45 percent favorable to 48 percent unfavorable) compared to minus one percent in September (44 percent favorable to /45 percent unfavorable), while Smiley maintains a positive image as she builds her awareness among voters.
It’s not hard to figure out why. Independent voters and the eight percent of the voters still undecided in Moore’s poll think Democrats are running the country into the ground. And they’re right.
Roughly eight percent of Washington State voters are undecided in the race for U.S. Senate, but they do not look friendly toward the incumbent, as they are pessimistic about the direction of the country, President Joe Biden and Murray.
Murray has made abortion the centerpiece of her campaign. She has burned money on TV ads trying to convince Washingtonians that the Supreme Court decision that sent the abortion question back to voters of each state is scary for her state, which has liberal abortion laws. Indeed, Murray is the extremist on the issue, believing in unrestricted abortions up to the moment of birth. She has not disavowed her ghoulish beliefs about this issue. Indeed, she championed an abortion access bill that was more expansive than Roe v. Wade.
But Murray misfired, according to the poll. Abortion isn’t even on the voters’ minds, not with high prices and high crime to contend with.
According to the Moore poll, undecided voters believe that the biggest issues are crime and out-of-control government spending that leads directly to inflation. Smiley has made crime the centerpiece of her campaign.
.@SmileyForWA: “Senator Murray went on the Senate floor June of 2020 and called for funds to be diverted from our police force…there’s not even enough cops to prosecute sexual assaults and to follow up on them…30 years in the Senate and this is where we are?”
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) October 31, 2022
Fully 80% of those who were polled believe the country is on the “wrong track,” and 60% of undecided voters disapprove of Joe Biden’s job performance.
2022 Washington Senate General Poll
Tiffany Smiley (R): 46% (=)
Patty Murray (D-inc): 46%⦿ @NRSC/Moore Info Group (R)
⦿ 500 LV | 10/20-22 | MOE ±4%— InteractivePolls (@IAPolls2022) October 30, 2022
Moore noted that “in wave election years, the national political environment is often the key to flipping Senate seats and right now, the Washington Senate race has become ground zero for a wave election upset.”
It’s been decades since Washington state had balanced representation in the Senate. It’s about time conservatives had a voice.
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