Love Is In the Air: Former Trump Prosecutor Announces His 'Man Crush' on Trump Judge

AP Photo/Seth Wenig

Andrew Weissmann has had quite a legal career. On his TV star-turns on MSNBC, he opines daily about how loathsome Donald Trump is and how wonderful the lawfare against him is deserved and glorious. Indeed, he's encouraged it. And now, this lithesome lawyer who loathes Trump has found love. 


This has been a long time coming. Weissmann has been toiling in the D.C. swamp looking for Russian secret agents at Trump Tower and the White House for the Mueller special counsel team. Before that, he busily set up Arthur Anderson bean counters in a failed prosecution of the accounting firm in the Enron prosecution. Before that, he was a mafia prosecutor, who, if any of the old Dons are still around, may want to revisit the charges brought against them. 

He brought Paul Manafort to heel, but not Manfort's contemporary Tony Podesta, whose last name matches the name of his brother, John, who is tight with Bill and Hillary—Billary. It pays to have friends in high places. 

Now, he's found his soulmate, Judge Juan Merchan, the "conflicted" judge in the bizarre case in Manhattan against Donald Trump. 

It's a total love thang. 

He told NBC's Andrea Mitchell that he was totally obsessed with Merchan. "With respect to Judge Merchan, I am like now..." he drooled, "I have a man crush on him," Weissmann gushed. "He is such a great judge. It's hard to see that the jurors wouldn't have the same impression," he said, forgetting some of the major problems with his case, but maybe Weissmann identifies with autocratic bumblers. He continued, "He's just — you just keep on thinking if you looked into a dictionary for judicial temperament, that's what you'd get."


Slow down, Sparky. Save it for the hotel room. Egads.

Weissmann's man crush gained the attention of law X, people who watch legal cases on the former Twitter platform, and the response was decidedy...ew. 

Judge McDreamy wasn't everyone's cup of tea.

Our sister site, Twitchy, had a problem with a provably awful, maniacal prosecutor falling in love with an equally awful judge. 

Twitchy's issue, other than falling for the Hillary Clinton psy op about Trump being a Russian secret agent, was that Weissmann has been busy headlining fundraisers for Joe Biden, who <checks notes> is Donald Trump's opponent in the upcoming 2024 presidential election!  We understood this headlining business was a network red line. Did we say "red line"? We meant red meat.

The headliner is headlining a "fireside chat" as a fundraiser for Joe Biden. It's coming up on June 2, my sister's birthday, which promises to be a helluvalot more interesting than Andrew's emoting over his man crush on a man who is crushing the rights of a former president. 


What Weissmann doesn't want to understand about his man crush, apparently, is that even even-tempered inanity is still inanity.

Nevertheless, Andrew was enthused by the judge's rulings in the Trump case—rulings that clipped the wings of Trump's defense, gagged the former president, and issued jury instructions that were a road map to a conviction. That's not sporting, nor is it fair. 

If this weren't so creepy, it would be funny. 

Watch the video of Weissmann's undying devotion to Judge McDreamy if you dare.


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