Kamala Blows It on the Border for CNN *and* Telemundo

AP Photo/Matt Marton

Modern journalism barely exists any longer, at least when it comes to covering the race for president. While I won't bore you with yet another litany detailing all the Literally Hitler™ coverage of Donald Trump, I must entertain you with the latest videos of Kamala Harris proving she's the absolute worst Democrat to run for president since Nancy Pelosi & Co. executed an intra-party coup against the previous one.


Today's subject is immigration policy, which ranks up there with the economy as one of America's top two concerns this election season.

Journalism — if you'll allow me to stretch that word like Mike Teavee in Willy Wonka's taffy puller — these days is largely kabuki theater. If you're the Democrat nominee, the format usually goes something like this:

  • Amusing campaign anecdote.
  • Short series of friendly questions.
  • One ritualistic Gotcha! question to maintain a veneer of impartiality.
  • Rehearsed answer to ritualistic Gotcha! question.
  • Zero follow-up to rehearsed answer lest the spell of having actually answered the Gotcha! question be broken.
  • Friendly goodbyes.

For those who no longer partake in latenight television, this is the exact format comedy hosts use when speaking to celebrity guests there to promote their new movie/TV show/fragrance. The candidate's only job is to stick to their stump speech talking points and make sure that the rehearsed Gotcha! question answer is truly well-rehearsed.

And then there's Kamala Harris, who usually ends up coming across as one of those weepy drunks who ruins the mood at every family gathering.


For the latest example, let's go to Harris doing a mock townhall with CNN's Anderson Cooper. I say "mock" because there's very little that was unscripted about it.

To sum up: "The border wall is a good idea but Trump didn't do it right and also I can't come right out and admit I'd build a border wall. Now if you'll excuse me, this chardonnay is making me cry over every single one of my life decisions and also my cats."

You can hear the weeping start to kick in at about the 17-second mark, which is when she seems to realize she has to commit to the border wall without committing to a border wall. 

But that was one of Harris's better TV performances this week, if you can believe such a thing. On occasion, the infotainment host (I just can't bring myself to type the word "journalist" this time) will smell blood in the water and bore in on it, at least a little bit.

That's what happened on Telemundo on Tuesday:


For this, they took her off the campaign trail for two days to prepare? While her answer didn't quite descend to the level of word salad, she leaned harder on half-remembered bromides than Joe Biden speaking at an Independence Day event two hours after the Adderal wore off. 

Biden is almost 82 years old and has suffered two brain aneurysms. What's Harris's excuse?

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