How to Stage an Intervention on 70 Million TDS Sufferers

AI image prompted by VodkaPundit using a paid version of ChatGPT.

The border? Inflation? The never-ending jobs recession? The looming debt crisis? World War III? What would you say is the pressing issue facing our nation in the last week before the election?


I ask only because I'm here today to tell you it's none of those things.

Our most pressing issue is the mental health crisis affecting tens of millions of Americans, a toxic combination of persecution fantasies, narcissism, and outright delusion. Weirdly enough, neither drugs nor alcohol seem to be involved in anything more than typical amounts.

Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) began more than 20 years ago as Bush Derangement Syndrome (BDS) — remember "Bushitler" and "Darth Cheney?" But that was then and this is now. Bush is now an elder statesman who has grown respectable because he won't endorse Trump, and Cheney — who up until recently was regularly denounced by our lefty friends as a war criminal — is now more beloved by Democrats than the son of Robert F. Kennedy. 

"See? Not even HITLER would vote for HITLER!" is the rationalization currently percolating in various lefty skulls around the nation.

Do you know who would vote for Hitler? A Holocaust survivor.


The TDS virus attacks the frontal lobe of the brain where higher reasoning takes place. Its symptoms are far more serious than you might realize. To see what I mean, watch as much as you're able of this young person's 2:19 minute dire video warning.

What are these poor souls going to do with their time when Trump's security minions don't round them all up into cattle cars? You would hope that a cold splash of reality would snap them out of their TDS, but I'm afraid they're far too gone for that to work.

This cartoon tweeted on Sunday by Elon Musk shows in two panels what I'm trying to say here.


Yeah, whatever.

What we need to do is stage an intervention — but how is it possible to do that for tens of millions of TDS sufferers? It just can't be done.

But maybe there is one thing we can do to help people regain their sanity: stop subsidizing insanity. 


Watch this to see what I mean:

Whenever you read something like Washington awarding $1,771,248 to San Jacinto Community College for a Title V project "positioning for the future with equity-focused strategies," maybe you shrug it off. But there are jillions and jillions of dollars of this spending, and it's all toward the same goal: subsidizing the left's deluded worldview.

Cut off the funds and maybe the delusions will dry up, too.

It's certainly worth a try — and it might even come with a tax cut. 

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