U.S. Families Spend $11.4K More Yearly Under Biden

AP Photo/Mike Stewart

Thank to Joe Biden-flation and his catastrophic economic policies, American families are spending over $11,000 more annually just for necessities.

The obscene cost of inflation is hitting hardworking Americans, as overall prices have gone up almost 20% since the Meanderer-in-Chief came into office in 2021. Americans can thank the Biden administration for that $11,400 extra for necessities, about 20% of the average U.S. annual salary. And if you hear the lie that inflation is down, don’t believe it. All that means is that the inflation rate is allegedly slowing, and the Biden administration loves to engage in monkey business to manipulate such statistics.


As Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) posted last week, “Inflation is still ~50% higher than the targeted rate. Biden's inflation is far from over.” Unfortunately, he’s right.

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Grocery and energy costs have, of course, gone up drastically under Biden, as the Washington Examiner reported. Gas is 33% more expensive than at the start of 2021 and electricity prices increased 29%. But groceries have, perhaps, seen the most staggering increase:

Grocery staples such as cheese, eggs, meat, and fruits and vegetables have all seen significant price increases, with ground beef as much as 103% higher.

Because inflation persists and prices continue to climb, it’s getting harder and harder to make ends meet. Biden wants you to believe the government can spend its way to prosperity — which is good for the government but not so for the rest of us.

Kent Strang, managing director of federal strategies at Americans for Prosperity, who wrote the Examiner piece, stated that “the Biden administration’s misguided economic policies are driving up still-increasing prices for gas, groceries, and other necessities of life, leaving millions of people struggling to pay their bills … the country can’t afford Bidenomics.”


But Biden and his handlers don’t care. They just lie and hope the media won’t call them on it. For instance, CNN recently failed to fact-check Biden as he claimed during an interview, “No President has had the run we've had in terms of creating jobs and bringing down inflation. It was 9% when I came to office, 9%.” That is a shameless and blatant lie. Inflation at the time was 1.4%, not even remotely close to 9% as Biden asserted on national TV.

Donald Trump has slammed his presidential opponent’s economic failures during the 2024 election season as inflation remains the number one issue for voters. In fact, women voters (usually a reliably Democrat voting bloc) are turning from Biden because of inflation. Propaganda can’t explain away the emptiness in Americans’ pocketbooks.

The Associated Press reported of this week’s Republican National Convention, “Trump says he wants tariffs on trade partners and no taxes on tips. He would like to knock the corporate tax rate down a tick. The Republican platform also promises to ‘defeat’ inflation and ‘quickly bring down all prices,’ in addition to pumping out more oil, natural gas and coal.”


New leadership is needed. As Strang wrote, the country cannot afford Bidenomics.


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