
2024 U.S. Election Will Likely Determine Taiwan’s Fate

Li Gang/Xinhua via AP, File

The 2024 U.S. election’s outcome will almost certainly determine the fate of both America and Taiwan, and the main villain in both cases is the same: the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

America is suffering from internal and external threats, namely domestic Marxists bought off by the CCP and foreign CCP agents. Taiwan is also facing a crisis from internal traitors and the massive external threat of CCP invasion. The CCP could invade anytime, but if anti-CCP Donald Trump doesn’t win the election, then the CCP will almost certainly move to seize the independent nation of Taiwan.

A new report argues U.S. weakness under the Biden-Harris administration (among other factors) could cause the CCP finally to make the long-threatened move against Taiwan. With China-funded Joe Biden already out of the 2024 race, his even more incompetent but Communist VP Kamala Harris is potentially the next president. A victory for her would be a death sentence for Taiwan.

The Epoch Times reported on August 26:

China could seize control of Taiwan’s offshore Kinmen Islands within the next six months, believing that the United States would not take a forceful response to its aggression, according to a new report.

Researchers from the Institute for the Study of War and the American Enterprise Institute warned that Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leader Xi Jinping may believe that he has a “unique opportunity” over the coming months to carry out a short-of-war coercion campaign against the Kinmen Islands, given the political landscape in both Taiwan and the United States.

Sleepy Joe Biden is in his “lame-duck period” and has always been a weak, feckless, CCP-pandering fool, so now could be the CCP’s opportunity. After all, China is also facing internal crises, including economic woes, and needs a major shake-up or distraction.

The report claimed CCP dictator “Xi may believe these factors will preclude a timely and forceful U.S. response to his Kinmen campaign before the inauguration of a new U.S. president in January 2025.” If Trump wins the election, however, the CCP might decide discretion is the better part of valor and back off.

But never forget that the CCP has openly avowed its goals of world domination. That is why it has co-opted the ancient Chinese self-label of the “Middle Kingdom.” The word “middle” in Chinese does not mean exactly what Westerners might think, like the middle seat in a row. It is rather the center about which other things rotate, in the way planets revolve around the sun. The sun is the “middle” of the solar system, and the CCP wants to be the world’s “Middle Kingdom,” superseding the U.S.

Taiwan is an obvious place to start. It is close to China, and the genocidal CCP has never ceased resenting and hating the Taiwanese because they are the legitimate and democratic Chinese government. Besides, the CCP has been falsely laying claim to Taiwan for so long that someday or other it will actually act on those threats.

And if America does not have new, strong leadership in the White House again soon, Taiwan could be invaded by the Chinese military while the many CCP agents who have infiltrated America will complete the work of global decimation.


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