
Yes, Trump Really Did Do Better Than Kamala in the Debate

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

The first presidential debate between Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Kamala Harris has ended. While there were some inevitable disappointments and lost opportunities, I am here to assure you that, yes, Trump definitely performed better overall than Harris did, in spite of the egregiously biased moderators.

Trump was working under a handicap, because the debate moderators — most particularly Trump-hating, Harris-loving David Muir — were as eager to undermine him as Harris was, meaning Trump was essentially debating three people at once. But he hit almost every major point he should have hit, he absolutely hammered Kamala on the border crisis and the disastrous economy (voters’ top issues), and he came off most of the time as calm and confident, whereas Harris was sneering, giggly, and unlikable.

Of course, there are areas where Trump could have performed better — that, as I noted above, was inevitable. He sometimes rambles and occasionally lets himself get overheated. He still does not seem to know or care that abortion always kills a unique human being, that it is never necessary to save a mother’s life, and that it is traumatic and harmful for rape victims to get abortions. He did, however, defend his pro-life record, call out the radical nature of Democrats’ no-holds-barred abortion policies, and force Kamala to giggle and babble when he asked her if she supported abortion up to and even possibly after birth (and yes, there are U.S. abortion doctors who have committed infanticide).

It would have been good if Trump had mentioned the peaceful pro-lifers — and other conservatives — being locked up by the Biden-Harris administration, but overall he handled the abortion issue much better than Harris did. It was obvious she couldn’t answer his challenge.

I think Trump’s biggest missed opportunity was when he was challenged about saying he had not previously heard Harris was black, referring to the fact that she used to emphasize that she was Asian-American and only mentions her black genes when politically convenient. Trump stammered somewhat in his reply and did not call out the Democrats for pulling the race card, which he should have done. But he called out Harris for being anti-Israel; for being so weak that Ukraine and Israel are at war while WWIII looms; for having damaging economic and healthcare policies; for being as radical and corrupt as Joe Biden; for allowing in tens of millions of illegal aliens; and, most especially, for the catastrophic Afghanistan withdrawal.

Kamala Harris has blood on her hands. The moderators and Harris could lie about the 2020 election and especially Jan. 6 — when Trump (as he said) called for peace and had wanted increased National Guard protection — all they want, but the administration that has been responsible for millions of deaths is the Biden-Harris administration. The Democrats have sued and locked up their political opponents, tried to lock up Trump with bogus charges, attacked Americans’ constitutional rights, released illegal alien criminals and terrorists into America to attack U.S. citizens, and triggered wars abroad.

Trump promised to make the economy strong again, deal with the increasing crime wave, keep dictators in line, help Israel, end the costly and deadly war in Ukraine, and close our borders. That’s a winning message.

It’s especially powerful because Kamala doesn’t really have any definite policies, as Trump noted. She might blather about a ceasefire with Hamas and healthcare for everyone and Ukraine winning the war and a “clean” energy economy, but she clearly has no plans for achieving those goals. She cannot achieve them.

Americans are much poorer and less safe under Biden-Harris than they were under Trump. As Trump noted in his closing remarks, if Harris has so many wonderful ideas, why hasn’t she already implemented them? Why is the country in such crisis if Harris is so capable and brilliant? We all know the answer to that. Kamala Harris snickered and cackled and lied and rambled and told utterly irrelevant stories and avoided direct answers and got buried in word salads. She is an incompetent, Marxist, anti-American moron, and that was on full display tonight. Trump, despite his mistakes, won the debate, and Kamala Harris certainly lost.


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