Vegan Activist Group Goes After Minor League Baseball Team


The left doesn’t want you to have fun — and this includes baseball. When leftists aren’t invading games with drag queens, forcing players out for going against the Pride Cult, or changing All-Star Game locations based on lies, they’re trying to force teams to change their names. We all know how the left twisted the arm of the Cleveland Indians to force them to become the Guardians, and activists have targeted the Atlanta Braves for years.


But now vegan activists are targeting a minor league team in Middle Georgia. The Macon Bacon is a team in the Coastal Plain League, a summer league for college players. The team cultivates a fun, small-town atmosphere, with local families hosting players in their homes and players who grew up in the area coming back to play for the summer.

True to the team’s name, many of the concessions available at games prominently feature bacon, and the mascot is a seven-foot-tall slice of bacon named — you guessed it — Kevin.

It’s this genius marketing that has gotten the goat of a group of vegan activists. An outfit called the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine has erected a billboard in Macon and sent a letter to the team president suggesting that the Macon Bacon embrace plant-based alternatives. You can’t make this stuff up.

“Macon Bacon’s glorification of bacon, a processed meat that raises the risk of colorectal cancer and other diseases, sends the wrong message to fans,” the letter begins. “I urge you to update the team’s name to Macon Facon Bacon and promote plant-based bacon alternatives, such as Facon Bacon or Mushroom Bacon, that will help your fans stay healthy. As for Kevin, Macon Bacon’s mascot, he can reveal that he is actually plant-based bacon.”


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Glorification of bacon? Sign me up! (Seriously, I’m hoping to go to one of the team’s games this summer.)

The letter goes on to cite World Health Organization statistics about the links between bacon and various health problems, so you can take all of it with a grain of salt (which this group probably doesn’t want you to have either). But what’s particularly interesting is that the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine seems to have an obsession with veganism. A quick perusal of the group’s website demonstrates that it’s a one-issue group that’s in bed with Big Vegan.

Macon Bacon’s president, Brandon Raphael, responded with a statement:

While we are disappointed in the disapproval of our branding from Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, the Macon Bacon do not view ourselves as a glorification of an unhealthy lifestyle; rather, we pride ourselves on being a fun-natured organization focused on bringing families and communities together of Middle Georgia and beyond.

We take great pride in the Macon Bacon naming rights (which our fans voted on in 2018), as we get to witness the smiles and laughter from our fan base – who have supported our branding since our inception — that stems from the brand’s lighthearted and playful nature. We are a family-friendly organization and we are extremely grateful for our fans.

While we certainly offer bacon-based options on our concessions menu, our organization has developed a menu that is full of other dining variations to ensure that our fans have choices as to what they consume while enjoying their time at the ballpark, which includes a plant-based option. That was obviously not mentioned in the group’s complaint.

With that, the Macon Bacon will be sizzling forever and will not consider a name change. Ever.

Boom! Good for Raphael and his team for not even dreaming of caving to the woke mob. Hopefully more people and organizations will follow suit.

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