
Illegal Alien Kills Virginia Grandma With Her Own Car

AP Photo/Gregory Bull, File

Another day, another "newcomer" demonstrating the need for the border to be closed.

Melody Waldecker, a mother of four and grandma of eight, was killed confronting an illegal alien who was attempting to steal her car in Sterling, Va., in broad daylight on Sunday.

Jose Aguilar-Martinez, originally from El Salvador, the illegal alien in question, proceeded to run over Waldecker, killing her at the scene.

Just to make it worse, Aguilar-Martinez had a California driver's license.

NBC described how Waldecker was entering a 7-Eleven around 11:30 a.m. when she saw Aguilar-Martinez get into her car, making her step back out to confront him. Police apprehended Aguilar-Martinez 45 minutes later.

Loved ones described Waldecker as a caregiver going to visit her ailing mother that day, having worked in a nursing home.

It is not my place to speculate on whether or not Waldecker did the right thing trying to confront Aguilar-Martinez, only to report the latest instance of illegal alien crime that Biden's handlers refuse to address because they need the votes to stay in power forever.

Fox News further noted that Aguilar-Martinez was not only here illegally but had evaded Border Patrol coming in, entering as a gotaway at an unknown date and location according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

Of course, we have covered numerous instances of illegal aliens who were caught, processed, and released into the country only to rape and kill Americans, so Aguilar-Martinez's gotaway status matters little.

Inside North Virginia further noted that ICE has issued 479 detainers for illegal aliens in the past two fiscal years. As Loudoun County Sheriff Mike Chapman further noted, ICE retrieved 248 of them, but only 96 were ultimately deported.

"This is another reminder of why it is essential that localities collaborate with our federal counterparts charged with enforcing U.S. immigration laws," Chapman also said in a statement about Waldecker's murder.

I respectfully disagree, Sheriff Chapman. It should be the other way around.

Just on Sunday, I mentioned what an anonymous Border Patrol agent said about vetting people coming across the border: "Knowing who these guys are, we have, like, no access to anything international. Like, we really don’t and it kind of sucks. I wanted to get into Border Patrol and protect [us] from terrorists. And it’s like, well, I probably let terrorists in the country."

That agent was referring specifically to three Palestinians who might have ties to Hamas or Hezbollah who were caught earlier this month, but the essential point I made about it is the same: That inability to properly vet people tends to happen when the ruling class wants to preserve power by importing a new permanent voting bloc and doesn't give a damn who comes in so long as they vote for the right party.

So until we get people in charge who are actually committed to preventing this from continuing to happen — hopefully, this November — we simply add Melody Waldecker to the long list of names of people whose lives were cut far too short by illegal aliens and do our best to honor their memory.


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