
National Children's Hospital Does 'Gender-Affirming' Hysterectomies for Minors

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

I think there needs to be a rule of thumb whenever leftists say something is not happening: It is happening, but we are just not hearing about it in order for them to keep up the illusion that it is not.

 Libs of TikTok's Chaya Raichik recently posted a transcription of a phone call she made with the Children's National Hospital in Washington, DC. 

In it, she asks if the hospital would perform "gender-affirming hysterectomies" on a 16-year-old girls, mentioning that her imaginary kid had already received "top surgery" (meaning her breasts had been removed).

When the call was transferred to the surgery line, the staffer at the hospital said they would indeed perform a hysterectomy on a 16-year-old girl who believed herself to be male.

Just to make it more disturbing, Raichik asked the hospital if they had done similar butchery on younger girls. The staffer affirmed they had but did not specify ages due to HIPAA.

Let me reiterate those words: There are young women out there in this country who have been robbed of their ability to have children before they are even out of high school because of people like this, all because the pains of growing up are being twisted by gender ideologists to prove that these girls were born in the wrong body.

Keep in mind, too, that this is the same hospital that is at the center of a legal controversy involving a couple whose son was transitioned behind their backs during his stay there thanks to the Children's National Hospital having a "nonbinary" chaplain who groomed their son, which I wrote about two weeks ago.

Then again, even if people at this hospital are willing to ruin a boy's life and try to force the parents to play along (up to trying to get them to denounce their own faith), I do not see why they would shrug at putting a 16-year-old or younger girl under the knife to remove her uterus or breasts.

And what do the recipients get out of it, you may ask?

Let us remember the story of Jaron "Jazz Jennings" Bloshinsky, whom my friend Megan Fox wrote about last March. Jaron is a biological male but has been the poster boy for transgender children, having been on puberty blockers since he was little. At 17, he too had "gender-affirming surgery." 

He is now a mentally, physically, and emotionally stunted individual, all for the world to see.

I wrote a bit more about the "surgery" side of the transgender lobby that is usually kept out of public view, and with good reason: A woman displayed where her arm had skin removed so that she could have a mockery of a man's genitals between her legs.

I would not be surprised if the Chidren's National Hospital offered to do that too.


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