Star Wars Adds Trans Clone Trooper

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Can Disney and Lucasfilm just let Star Wars die now?

Evidently not, because now we get the latest injection of wokeism into the galaxy far, far away: a transgender clone trooper.


Yes, really.

My friend Ben Bartee briefly covered this yesterday in his "Sodom and Gomorrica" series but did not go into much detail other than demonstrating just how far we have fallen as a culture and arguably as a species.

Yes, they really gave him a blue and pink trim to his armor, which, if you are familiar with Star Wars lore, is supposed to indicate which legion he serves in.

And somehow, we apparently missed this for a couple of years.

See, according to the Daily Mail, this clone trooper, nicknamed "Sister," was apparently first referenced in a novel titled "A Queen's Hope" (insert a joke about that title here) from 2022, but was not given an official appearance nor fully integrated into canon until recently with a new book called "The Secrets of the Clone Troopers."


Within the book, Captain Rex (a fellow clone) describes this: "When one of our kind expressed her gender identity differently than her fellow troopers, she featured [sic] she'd have to hide who she truly was inside. Fortunately, her brothers in the 7th Sky Corps gave her the name 'Sister' as a constant reminder that she belonged."

I know the clones developed individual personalities and evidently cultivated a strong sense of brotherhood, but they were soldiers, first and foremost, literally created to serve as the Republic's main fighting force on a galactic scale.

Also, as Michael Knowles explained, transing a literal clone (they are all made from the DNA of the bounty hunter Jango Fett, who raised one clone as his son Boba Fett) is a massive unintentional refutation of transgenderism's assertion that it is based in biology.

After all, because the clones are derived from a single male template, they are all genetically the same regardless of how they perceive themselves or develop their own personalities, so it is literally impossible for one to claim to be female.


But because the Star Wars universe has much more fantastical technology than ours, the Kaminoans (the aliens who were in charge of creating and training the clones) could seemingly make a female clone from a male template (or something) already because, apparently, Boba Fett has a sister in the form of "Omega," as revealed in "The Bad Batch" (my interest in Star Wars has been gone for a long time, so I read that for the first time today).

Even then, that just drives home Knowles's point further: if the Kaminoans wanted to make a female clone of a male subject, they could create one from scratch without the need to mutilate an existing male clone into a simulacrum of a female.

But that is too logical for the people pushing this nonsense.


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