Food Shortage, You Say? Mega-Prepper Farms His Own Fish

(50 miles)

Everyone laughs at a prepper until the SHTF. Then they beg to apologize — and beg for food.

A Tennessee man has had it with the price of food, so he’s raising his own chow.


Harvey Tullman keeps bees and chickens. He grows potatoes, tomatoes, and asparagus. Now, he is farming bluegill.

“When you go to the store, check on the price of fish,” Tullman told a local reporter. “It’s almost $9 a pound. It’s ridiculous.”

The fed-up (Get it? “Fed”? Sorry, I’ll show myself out) Tennessee man installed a 1,000-gallon pool, which he filled with rainwater, then tossed in 100 bluegills. Five died, leaving Tullman and his wife 95 delicious bluegills to eat. He expects them to weigh 3 lbs. each by September, when the Tullmans will begin their own personal bluegill-fest.


“I have been harvesting asparagus now for almost a month. When you’re really low on groceries, you’ve got fresh asparagus,” Tullman related. “Eggs are going up to $3 a dozen or higher.”

Groceries are 10% higher in his neighborhood than they were in 2021. Tullman has had enough.

“The price of food has gone to the point where you can’t afford to buy it,” he reckoned. “It’s either put gas in the car or eat.”


FACT-O-RAMA! Bluegill lay roughly 60,000 eggs. Mr. and Mrs. Tullman could be eating bluegill for a long time.

Tullman also has a pool full of goldfish, though he didn’t mention eating them.

Foggy Joe Biden warned of food shortages. Baby formula is already difficult to find, causing panic among parents of babies.

Related: Happy Mother’s Day! New Moms Face Baby Formula Shortage

Tullman claims he has been a survivalist since he was six years old. His goal is to live off the land in case the grid goes down. With Biden at the helm, that could be any day now.


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