PJ Media Parenting's Best of the Web—May 19


We are finally feeling settled into our new home! The weather has turned much warmer and the rains have stopped, at least until tomorrow. Spring seems to be here and summer is just around the corner.



Something we struggle with as a family is preparing our kids for change.  When we had one kiddo, it was so much easier. Now we kind of brush over the details and just expect them to cope.  You can imagine how well that has gone!  This blog post was a great reminder to me to put in the daily work of teaching my kids about “plot twists” and helping them with the twists and turns of life.

“An attribute that has always been important to me to instill in my kids is adaptability – in relationships, situations, goals and everyday life while still remaining consistent in their core beliefs and values. The ability to adapt and change as needed will not only open the door to some pretty incredible adventures, but it also makes day to day life far less frustrating.

“Since they were all tiny, Chris and I have tried to teach them to approach change and the unexpected with a positive outlook…to be able to smile and say, “Plot twist!” when the unknown and unexpected pops up in the story of their days.”

Follow this families journey at Under The Sycamore.


You’ve heard me mention before about the need for our family to keep screen time to a minimum.  I’ve noticed just how much it can impact the attitudes and imagination of my kids.  Here are some easy ideas to get your summer started without the screen on all the time!

“But between tablets, phones, video games, computers and televisions, how to you get your child away from screens and into the yard?

“One piece of advice from pediatricians is to set media free times and places. Creating an interesting backyard environment is a great way to pull kids from screen time and into imagination land.”


Find more great ideas at Modern Parents Messy Kids.


My go-to summer beverage is a margarita, but since we are expecting baby number four, I have not partaken in my favorite summer treat.  This drink might be the perfect trade!  Try it with strawberries if cherries aren’t in season yet!

Follow Mommypotamus for more delicious inspiration.


This post is like a gold mine for mom inspiration!  Ideas to fill the time and occupy toddlers, plus dinner ideas. Don’t skip this one!

“Nowadays our schedule looks a bit different, with occasional glimpses of that perfect schedule. With two kids in elementary school, one in preschool a few days a week, and one at home with me all day, things are busier. I am looking forward to returning to that perfect schedule (or a new version of it), once my preschooler is in elementary school.

“As I mentioned in my previous schedule post, sometimes our days look completely different when we have playgroups, playdates, toddler classes, or when we are planning events. In this post I am just sharing our general schedule. I’d love to hear yours! I love getting inspiration from other people.”

Toddler Approved is a great resource for families!


It’s graduation season! So many parents are transitioning the children into new roles, the next level in school, starting a new life after college, entering a new role as a parent. This was a refreshing post by a mom sending her daughter off to college. And before you glance over it and think it’s not applicable because you’re not at this stage, think again!


“So, I am writing this post essentially so I won’t regret not penning my thoughts to my college-bound daughter. The following is not necessarily in order of importance, but just stuff that has been bouncing around like a ping-pong ball in my mind for years. Those years have now turned into weeks. There are a few things I would tell my daughter that are different from what I would tell my son. Who knows if a girl listens more than a boy. Who knows if they listen at all. But they can read. And hopefully, they will re-read.”

Grown and Flown has encouragement for each stage of parenting.


Is your weekend off to a great start?

We’d love to hear from you!

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