Karine Jean-Pierre Does Her Best to Articulate What She Thinks the GOP Will Do to the Economy

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

If you listen to Joe Biden, he thinks the Republican Party is going to intentionally crash the economy if they win back the majority. It’s an extremely hard sell for him to make two weeks before the midterm elections, but he’s trying anyway.


“Republicans are determined to hold the economy hostage,” said Biden. “There is nothing that would create more chaos. … Republicans are going to crash the economy.”

Believe it or not, this absurd talking point was articulated better by Joe Biden than it was by his press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre. She’s hardly an effective communicator herself, but she does a better job reading off her notes than Biden does reading off a teleprompter.

But, on Tuesday, when she attempted to explain what she thinks Republicans will do to the economy, she made Biden sound like Shakespeare.

Related: Joe Biden’s Pettiness Just Got so Much Worse 

Just watch her bumbling explanation:

At the time of this writing, the official White House transcript for this briefing has yet to be released. I’m sure that will be a hoot.


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