Alex Stein Running Write-In Campaign for Dallas Family Court Judgeship Against Trans Activist Mary Brown


Alex Stein, the comedian made famous by trolling board meetings and politicians all over the country, is running a write-in campaign to take the seat of Judge Mary Brown in the 301st family court district of Dallas.


Brown made headlines when she removed James Younger’s two sons from his custody in order to give full custody to their mother, who plans to medically transition one of the boys. Younger was not found to be abusive or unfit in any way. Brown simply used her power as a judge to remove his parental rights in what looks like political activism. The final straw appeared to be when Younger refused to take his son to a trans-affirming therapist as ordered by the court. Younger felt that taking his son to be brainwashed by a trans-activist therapist was abusive. Younger’s ex-wife began transitioning their son at the age of six. Younger always maintained that his son did not want to dress like a girl when he was not with his mother.

Younger is only allowed to see his children now with court-ordered supervision, thanks to Mary Brown.

Due to a failure to fill out the paperwork correctly, Brown didn’t get on the ballot for her reelection, leaving no candidates for the 301st family court district. Brown has to run a write-in campaign, and Stein is taking advantage of her mistake. Talking with PJ Media, Stein said, “This is a big problem… not one person running for this judge filled out their paperwork in time to be on the ballot.”

Stein says Republicans in Texas have accused him of not being serious and running the risk of splitting the vote. “You’re not serious either,” he said. “You didn’t even fill out your paperwork in time!” Stein has launched his own campaign for the seat.


Stein says that family court has personally affected him. “My parents got divorced,” he said. “It was one of the most traumatic issues as a kid, I had to pick who I wanted to live with. Some of my earliest memories are of going into a district court.”

“Mary Brown, she needs to be gone. She’s the worst. But if she was this big of a threat, which she is, why didn’t anyone on the conservative side fill out the paperwork and they’d be able to crush her?” Stein asked.

Related: Texas Family Courts Under Fire From Angry Parents: ‘Our Confidence in the Judiciary Is at an All-Time Low’

Is Stein serious about this race? “I’m not a serious candidate, obviously not, but they claim to be — but they’re so serious they don’t even know how to read a deadline so — kinda weird.” When asked what Stein will do if he somehow wins the write-in campaign he said, “I’m going to be like Judge Judy! I’m going to be sitting on the bench smacking the gavel!”

“We’re going to have it dialed in fair,” he continued. “Nobody’s going to get ripped off.”


I have often advocated for cameras in family courtrooms in the interest of transparency, and Stein had a lot to say on that subject when asked if he would allow cameras in his courtroom. “Are you kidding? We’re going to have a selfie cam! You’ll have to take a selfie of yourself to participate. Anyone who says ‘I don’t want to be on camera,’ too bad! This is the selfie cam, and you’ve got to take your best selfie and upload it to Instagram and tag Judge Primetime Alex Stein, and that’s how we do this. It’s going to be a totally different courtroom experience.”

Stein also promised to wear one of his famous costumes on the bench like “Ronnie the Rat,” the furry costume he trolled the City of Allen, Texas, in at a recent meeting.

I don’t know about you but I can’t think of anything I’d like more than watching Alex Stein on the bench in family court. It really can’t get any worse. Perhaps Primetime99 is what the family court system needs. You can see my full interview with Stein below.


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