The Morning Briefing: RESET DAY — Beto's Back to Bore Us

(AP Photo/Carlos Osorio)

The Relaunch of the Good Ship Desperation 

At least seventeen people in America feel like it’s Christmas today. Robert Francis Cassandra Mai-Lin “Beto” O’Rourke is going to “reset” his campaign and let us know what he’s really all about because, you know, the poor guy has gotten hardly any media attention.


In what a breathless public has been assured will be a “major” speech, O’Rourke will outline in great detail exactly how he plans to get above two percent in the polls.

Beto’s fortunes began crumbling months ago, just at the time the MSM became more fascinated with Mayor Pete. His constantly flailing hands while speaking could never adequately distract from the fact that the words coming out of his mouth aren’t saying anything important.

Both Beto and his few remaining friends in the media realized that he could shamelessly use the horrific shootings in El Paso to his publicity advantage, and he’s been milking it for all it’s worth. This is supposed to be his return to the campaign, but I’ve seen him splashed across all media more during his hiatus than I have at any time since his original launch.

It’s been so long that anyone on either side of the aisle was paying attention to Beto that it’s probably a good time to remind everyone that this is his second reset in three months.

This is becoming, in a way, reminiscent of Hillary Clinton’s campaign in 2016. Her handlers kept having to reintroduce Granny Maojackets so the voters could get to know her better. She’d been in the public eye for almost a quarter of a century at that point.

The article announcing the reset says he’ll focus on “racism, white supremacy and guns,” which distinguishes him not a whit from the other Democratic candidates.


In what could be a bright spot for Beto’s reset, John Hickenlooper’s three supporters will be up for grabs.

Philly Shootout

The suspect surrendered around midnight Eastern after wounding six police officers.

Kamala Harris didn’t even wait until the siege was over to start politicking off of it.

The typical liberal caterwauling about Trump and the NRA is even more misplaced in this situation. When it comes to animosity toward law enforcement, Barack Obama built that.

So frequent and casual was Obama’s disregard for facts that got in the way of any anti-cop narrative that the lies became part of Democratic folklore.

In yesterday’s briefing, I posted a link about Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren receiving four Pinocchios (a whopper of a lie) from WaPo for commemorating Michael Brown’s death by saying he was “murdered” by a police officer.

If we want to play the “rhetoric is responsible” game, I’d say some fingers could be pointed in their directions.

They remain unapologetic and didn’t think twice about saying what they did because the man who was president when Michael Brown died made it clear to his supporters that it’s OK to lie about things like that.

Oh, the trolls. 

A couple of people in the comments yesterday referred to me as a “journalist.”


LOL yeah…no.

Link heaven awaits, my friends.

And don’t forget what I said about getting together for tacos.

PJM Linktank

DEVIL IN A BLUE DRESS: Epstein’s disturbing painting of Bill Clinton

VODKAPUNDIT: Choppy Seas in the U.S./China Naval Arms Race

Thinking Outside the Box: Ohio Lawmaker Proposes Using Fentanyl Seized in Drug Raids to Execute Death Row Inmates

Cuccinelli did not say what #FakeNews says he did about Statue of Liberty poem

Concussion Protocol Time: Dem presidential candidates are actually saying media is biased against them

Not the Onion: U.S. Allies Using Art Therapy to Fight ISIS in Syria

Obama Fed Chair Throws Cold Water on Liberals’ ‘Trump Recession’ Hopes

Socialism isn’t selling as well as the Dems think it is

From the Mothership and Beyond

It’s not just me: Plurality of Americans Think Epstein Was Murdered

And the news keeps giving them reason to

Racist Bette Midler Gets Bulldozed On Twitter After Forgetting Cocaine Mitch Is Married To Elaine Chao

Trump Tweets Invite To Meet Chinese Leader And Help Solve Hong Kong Crisis

Schlichter: You Should Totally Trust Our Elite Institutions…Not

University of Kentucky Administrators’ emails mock conservative students they’re about to screw-over

Evan McMullin outs himself as Max Boot’s one fan

What an Andy Dick

FDA: This just in — bleach won’t cure cancer

Thanks for bringing this back, anti-vaxxers: Flight attendant dies from measles

Stacey Abrams’ latest fake voter suppression story: GOP will use cops to intimidate minorities at polls or something


California Man Committed As Teen Sues To Restore Gun Rights

Freak attacks woman to save her from robots, cops take 30 minute to show up 

Gun Sales Are Up In El Paso And Concealed Carry Classes Are Packed

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Everyone hates Ana Navarro

Bee Me

The Kruiser Kabana

Everyone Needs a Hobby

Person mistakenly texts cop: ‘We got high together girl!’

I have a LOT of Rickles to share. He triggers the politically correct, SJW types. We’re doing this #ForAmerica.


Stephen Kruiser is the author ofDon’t Let the Hippies ShowerandStraight Outta Feelings: Political Zen in the Age of Outrage,” both of which address serious subjects in a humorous way. Monday through Friday he edits PJ Media’s “Morning Briefing.”


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