Welcome to Grievance on Steroids
No doubt I will catch some grief for this one but that is kind of my role around here, is it not?
The grievance mob is picking up steam, using the Year of the Riot to claim more cultural victims. We’ll get into the philosophical discussion about all of this in a moment but, on a personal note, I find it rather exhausting just attempting to keep up with whom or whatever they are mad at during any given moment. At this point, I’m not even certain there are any statues left in America.
What we’ve witnessed in recent weeks is truly a descent into madness. Criminals are taking over cities with the backing of the elected officials who run those cities. Those same officials are proudly abandoning their police forces to score points with a bunch of Marxists, then predictably seeing violent crime skyrocket overnight. We are supposed to believe that this is all being done in the name of delivering some long-overdue justice.
It’s all bunk.
The always-eloquent Thomas Sowell put it very well in a recent conversation with Mark Levin:
Right off the bat, Levin asked Sowell about the rioting that has gone on nightly in America since the murder of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis police. “I’m regarded as pessimistic,” Sowell said, “but I was never pessimistic enough to believe that things would degenerate to the point where they are now, where adult human beings are talking about getting rid of the police … what is frightening is how many people in responsible positions are caving in to every demand that is made, repeating any kind of nonsense that you’re supposed to repeat. I do believe that we may well reach a point of no return. I hope, of course, that will never happen.”
Count me among the pessimists.
We’re not focusing on riots today but this is all tied together.
It’s only Tuesday and the grievance-mongers have been busy. They pulled off the seemingly impossible, making Washington Redskins owner Dan Snyder back down after years of saying that he wouldn’t change the team’s name. Barely pausing to take a breath, the grievance mob then decided to go after the Texas Rangers.
That’s a rather ambitious Monday.

But wait, there’s more! Time ran a post yesterday titled “Don’t Stop at Statues. Demand a Reconsideration of Place Names Too.”
This grievance slope isn’t just slippery, they’ve now got a free army of people to keep covering it with Vaseline. We’ll be sliding down it forever at this rate.
I don’t care if people have hurt feelings. Everybody has hurt feelings at one time or another. The thing is, the lunatics that are becoming a bigger blight on America every day always have hurt feelings. They wake up aggrieved, and the day just becomes one long list of grievances that is updated hourly. Though it may seem impossible, there is an inexhaustible supply of grievances to keep them raging.
Back in the Occupy days, I kept saying and writing that the rage was the endgame for them. It’s basically the same now. They keep saying they want change, and I don’t doubt that they would like to affect some political change here and there, but that won’t make them any less angry. There is nothing that will make them less angry simply because angry is what they want to be.

The grievance freaks will always find another grievance. They’re addicted to it. What’s disturbing about the last couple of months is the pace at which they’re finding new ones. As we have seen with the destruction of the statues, they are also not very discriminate about focusing their wrath.
It’s very aggravating that there are so many Republicans in Washington who don’t understand this. We’re fighting for the soul of America and we’ve got Republicans in Congress going on about statues as if they’re trying to get dates with antifa. I wouldn’t be surprised to see Mitt Romney at the next statue-toppling. He and his ilk are forever convinced that, if they just give the grievance crowd one more concession, everything will be roses and puppies.
There is no telling how long we’re going to be subjected to this nonsense that’s largely being fueled by woke white people at the Washington Post and New York Times, but it will no doubt be a while. We may truly have reached a point of no return. The inmates are most definitely running the asylum right now.
Yeah, yeah, I know…that’s offensive to crazy people.
Great Idea. Make Him Testify in Mandarin.
Hawley says Senate subpoena of NBA commissioner Adam Silver is a "great idea" https://t.co/neN67OhD4u pic.twitter.com/xIwEMqP5hI
— The Hill (@thehill) July 14, 2020
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Smells Like Onion
Washington Redskins Change Their Name To The D.C. Redskins https://t.co/BqRFgEwEUo pic.twitter.com/nequ12owvv
— The Onion (@TheOnion) July 13, 2020
The Kruiser Kabana
Ljubljana, Sloveniahttps://t.co/0NWc3eiMkH pic.twitter.com/WShlwn4dKl
— Architecture Hub (@architecturehub) July 13, 2020
More taco trucks would cure all of this.
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PJ Media Senior Columnist and Associate Editor Stephen Kruiser is the author of “Don’t Let the Hippies Shower” and “Straight Outta Feelings: Political Zen in the Age of Outrage,” both of which address serious subjects in a humorous way. Monday through Friday he edits PJ Media’s “Morning Briefing.” His columns appear twice a week.
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