Biden His Time
OK, that was cheesy.
Anyway, a happy Hump Day, my Kruiser Morning Briefing friends.
Before we get to today’s stuff, I just wanted to say that I thought yesterday’s featured image with the dude holding a leaf blower was a nice touch, but the trolls were their perennially constipated and humorless selves about it. They just don’t seem to appreciate my efforts to bring a little joy into their lives.
Onto der Bidengaffer.
We haven’t discussed his potential running mate for a while here at the Briefing and now that Biden is keeping it in the news by not picking anyone it’s time to revisit the subject.
Much has been written in recent days about what Team Biden’s delay in announcing a running mate means. VodkaPundit wrote a VIP column the other day with a headline saying that it “underscores a campaign and a candidate in chaos,” which is quite succinctly put. Yesterday on our sister site Townhall, Matt Vespa wrote a post describing Biden’s VP picking process as a “train wreck,” which inspired my headline today.
Let’s be honest, it’s been heading toward “train wreck” ever since Biden committed to picking a female running mate. He’s now all but obligated himself to pick a woman of color, which probably has all of the ulcers on his campaign staff bleeding double.
So, which of the options out there seem to be the least bad for Crazy Joe the Wonder Veep?

The odds-on favorite has been Sen. Kamala Harris. There has been a constantly shifting cast of characters rotating through the next two or three places on Biden’s shortlist behind Harris for months, most of whom — like Gretchen Whitmer or Keisha Lance Bottoms — quickly did something to take themselves out of the running.
Harris, however, is becoming increasingly problematic for the people surrounding Biden. She’s one of those people and candidates who don’t really grow on people the more they get to know her. Like Hillary Clinton.
California Rep. Karen Bass started to get a lot of attention a couple of weeks ago. She was a relative unknown and the Biden camp probably wishes she’d stayed that way. Bass has some, shall we say, unfortunate comments from her past coming back to bite her, including praise for Fidel Castro and Scientology. If she stays on the shortlist any longer, we may unearth some gems about Mussolini in there too.

Former Obama National Security Adviser Susan Rice has been hanging around the rumor mill for weeks, and she may be the least awful option for Biden. If Rice can stay clear of any Obamagate stink that may or may not still come down the pike, that is. Rice on the ticket would give Biden something that he hasn’t been able to generate on his own: some enthusiasm from Barack and Michelle Obama.
Rice eventually ascending to the presidency when Biden is inevitably pushed aside would be a bigger validation of the Lightbringer’s legacy than whatever an addled Biden tenure would look like. The Obamas would probably campaign for Biden more vigorously if Rice were his running mate. If she isn’t, they just won’t care. They’ve got their Emmy nominations and would rather be Hollywood celebrities than Democratic power players.
Yes, it does look awful that Biden has to yoke himself to someone who was subordinate to him in the Obama administration to get some attention from his former boss, but a little love is better than no love at all.
If there is a dark horse out there right now, I’m not sure who it is.
Who knows, though. As weird as this year has been and as goofy as Biden is he may surprise even his own staff with whichever name comes out of his mouth when he finally does make an announcement.
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Bee Me
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The Kruiser Kabana
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2020 could use the 1984 Cyndi Lauper.
I’m going to start writing Irish death poetry at the end of each one of these just to mix things up.
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PJ Media Senior Columnist and Associate Editor Stephen Kruiser is the author of “Don’t Let the Hippies Shower” and “Straight Outta Feelings: Political Zen in the Age of Outrage,” both of which address serious subjects in a humorous way. Monday through Friday he edits PJ Media’s “Morning Briefing.” His columns appear twice a week.
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