The Republican Memory Is Long
Happy Apocalypse Monday, my Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. I hope you’re all keeping safe.
Well, here we are. Every time we peek around another corner in 2020 something uglier is lurking down a dark alley. The death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg on Friday probably means that the United States of America has an even slimmer chance now of finding a “one big happy family” vibe before the holidays.
Republicans are going to do their jobs, much to the chagrin of the Democrats. The people who have been redefining contentious politics in America for decades are feigning horror that their opponents would be pressing an advantage. The Democrats spent eight years messiah-worshiping a president whose public justification for ramrodding his health care plan through was “I won.”
Well, we won too.
The Democrats are an unstable and emotional lot on their best days. Their politics, after all, are logic-free and purely emotion-based. They’ve been spinning out since January 20, 2017 and it’s going to get even more bat you-know-what crazy as the Republicans move to replace Ginsburg before the election. Perma-hack George Stephanopoulos gave Nancy Pelosi his wish list about what he’d like her to do to the Republicans, which Matt wrote about here. Stephanopoulos suggested another round of impeachment, which Granny Boxwine didn’t say no to.
They’re not going to take this well.
They’re rallying around Ginsburg’s purported “last wish,” which I don’t for a moment believe happened. It sounds like those convenient “My 8-year-old said…” stories they love to make up over on the Left. Democrats are such ghouls and so afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome I can see any one of them lying about a loved one’s dying words to score some political points, especially because ORANGE MAN BAD.

Whatever grief the Democrats get in the next month or two was brought about by their treatment of Brett Kavanaugh two years ago. Their behavior toward Kavanaugh was abominable and unforgivable.
And unforgettable.
They have no doubt moved on. They’ve manufactured thousands of crises out of thin air to be outraged about since then, after all.
It’s fitting that the symbol for the GOP is an elephant. Elephants are renowned for their memories. The Republicans haven’t forgotten the Democrats’ vindictive psychosis from the summer of 2018.
Remember this?
1. I forgot how good this was.
2. Everyone underestimates the extent to which the Kavanaugh experience has radicalized fair minded conservatives when it comes to court fights.— Josh Holmes (@HolmesJosh) September 21, 2020
“Radicalized” is the perfect word there. “Galvanized” works too.
I have no idea if Trump and McConnell will be able to pull this off. They have the time to do it. If McConnell can keep the Republicans in line he should have the votes. Murkowski is forever useless. Other than the Kavanaugh vote, so is Collins. Their defections are to be expected.
It will be worth it just to watch the Democrats’ heads explode if Trump nominates Amy Coney Barrett. It’ll be popcorn time, even if it’s brief.
Media Whiffs Another Attempt to Smear Kavanaugh
We’re Days Away From His Own Campaign Duct-Taping His Mouth Shut
Biden says 200 million people have died from COVID-19 as campaign gaffes continue
— Jake Schneider (@jacobkschneider) September 20, 2020
Enjoy Something That Isn’t About Politics
Pristine lunar samples from the Apollo missions, sealed for ~50 years, were opened recently for research. New analysis from a @NASA_Johnson-led team using the samples supports the theory that our Moon was formed when two early planets collided:
— NASA (@NASA) September 20, 2020
PJM Linktank
My latest column: You Don’t Have Enough Ammo for the Post-Ginsburg 2020 Apocalypse
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War for the White House #10: Kruiser, Katie Pavlich, and Storm Paglia on Biden/Media Lovefest
Trump Will Name One of These 12 People to the Supreme Court Next Week
Trump Calls for Filling Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Seat ‘Without Delay’
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FLASHBACK: Liberals Celebrated the Death of Conservative Justice Antonin Scalia
Here’s What RBG Said About Filling a SCOTUS Vacancy in an Election Year
Radical Left Threatens Riots, War, and to ‘Burn It Down’ if RBG Replaced
Ted Cruz Explains Perfectly Why RBG’s Seat Must Be Filled Before the Election
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Bring it, hag. Pelosi Doesn’t Rule Out Using Impeachment to Block Trump’s SCOTUS Nomination
Ginsburg’s Death Reveals the Democrats’ No-Limit Casino of Doom
3 Reasons Mitch McConnell Is Not a Hypocrite for Considering Trump’s Potential RBG Replacement
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How Ginsburg’s Death Gives an Advantage to Republicans in the Supreme Court
Can Trump’s Nominee to Replace RBG Get Confirmed Before the Election? You Bet!
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The Fringe with Megan Fox, Episode 31: America is About to Get Loomered
After What They Did to Kavanaugh, We Can’t Capitulate to the Democrats on SCOTUS Vacancy
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Bee Me
Senate Democrats Demand Supreme Court Nominee Not Be Unduly Influenced By U.S. Constitution
— The Babylon Bee (@TheBabylonBee) September 20, 2020
The Kruiser Kabana
The barren landscape of my heart.
— Archillect (@archillect) September 20, 2020
Schitt’s Creek swept the comedy Emmy awards last night, so I’ll begin this week with a two-fer from one of the greatest television comedies in history. First, I’ll re-up this montage of Annie Murphy (Best Supporting Actress) as Alexis.
And here is the exquisite Catherine O’Hara, who is absolutely magical in this show (LANGUAGE WARNING. One word at the end of the clip.)
Catherine O’Hara, ‘Schitt’s Creek,’ and Comedy Brilliance
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PJ Media Senior Columnist and Associate Editor Stephen Kruiser is the author of “Don’t Let the Hippies Shower” and “Straight Outta Feelings: Political Zen in the Age of Outrage,” both of which address serious subjects in a humorous way. Monday through Friday he edits PJ Media’s “Morning Briefing.” His columns appear twice a week.
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