
A Look at the Cataclysmic Wreckage From Media-Predicted Trump Trial Riots

AP Photo/Charlie Riedel, File

After the verdict was read against Donald Trump in Manhattan, the media went into overdrive, giddily predicting violence and carnage on the streets. 

When Donald Trump again said nothing to inflame the masses that they could readily mischaracterize, they began searching at a granular level for someone—anyone—to fit their preordained narrative that there was trouble coming. 

Now experts have assessed the decimation from the terrifying Trump Trial riots over the weekend. Montesquieu-masked mobs vandalized historical statues of Lady Justice, taping eyeballs over her blindfold. Hordes of people carrying pocket constitutions descended upon the city centers of every large Republican-run city, looking for Democrats in black robes to lecture. Mobs of men in kangaroo camo surrounded justice centers, chanting, "It wasn't legit, you must acquit!" 

There was no violence whatsoever. All the media could come up with were upside-down American flag avatars, a guy with a Give Me Trump or Give Me Death flag, and the rantings of Just Some Guys (JSG) spouting off on the interwebs. 

Reuters combed through the pages of TruthSocial and other "far-right" social media pages trying to get the earliest read on who was inflaming the masses to start the violence. They ran a story claiming that "Trump supporters call for riots and violent retribution after verdict." 

Do you mean Trump's insiders were calling for riots? Were elected officials calling for riots? His donors? No, just cranks on the interwebs.

Reuters came up with the worst examples its reporters could find of trouble ahead by picking statements from commenters to a post about the trial. 

On Truth Social, Trump called Merchan “HIGHLY CONFLICTED” and criticized his jury instructions as unfair. That statement is nothing like Senator Chuck Schumer on the steps of the Supreme Court at a pro-abortion rally before the Dobbs decision, crying, “I want to tell you, Gorsuch; I want to tell you, Kavanaugh: You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.” 

What "hit" them was an assassin, who was caught with a target list of justices, and overt threats of violence by protesters who posted maps to the justices' homes. 

One commentator responded to the "highly conflicted" comment by posting a picture of a hangman's platform and a noose with the caption: “TREASONOUS MOBSTER OF THE JUSTICES SYSTEM!!”

Not nice, but it doesn't compare to an armed assassin going to Supreme Court justice's homes carrying a hit list. 

“This was a disgrace, this was a rigged trial by a conflicted judge who was corrupt,” Trump said in public comments, which anyone who followed the trial could readily see. But fighting words? I mean, they're tough words, but they don't rise to the level of James Hodgkinson with a semi-automatic rifle hunting for GOP lawmakers on a baseball field. Maybe that's just me.

Reuters contacted TruthSocial, where a spokesman said, “It’s hard to believe that Reuters, once a respected news service, has fallen so low as to publish such a manipulative, false, defamatory and transparently stupid article as this one purely out of political spite.”

Rolling Stone was in an even bigger pickle. It had to settle for this headline that depicted violence — but only in peoples' thoughts. 

Translation: No violence. There was peace—and I don't mean the kind of "peace" between crotchless leather Pride paraders and Palestinian "peace" activists. 

And the chances always were that there would be no violence. January 6 was a one-off, and what we've learned since then is the feds and local police were in on it and encouraged the mob. For all the hundreds, if not thousands of rioting mobs of the left over the years and decades, causing billions of dollars of damage and sending hundreds, if not thousands, of police officers to the hospital, there has been only one riot in which the right participated. And they're all in prison. 

PJ Media's reporting on the Trump trial has been terrific. We'll keep telling you the real story without acting as political fluffers just to get invited to fancy cocktail parties. We'll make our own martinis and pour our own single malts and beer, thank you very much. 

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