Insanity Wrap needs to know: Remember that part in the Constitution where the makeup of the Supreme Court is determined in part by an old woman’s dying wish?
Answer: We don’t, either, but we do expect the media to remind us about it every other minute for the next seven weeks.
Before we get to the sordid details, a quick preview of today’s Wrap.
- The people are revolting against the revolting people
- Michael Moore sounds the alarm on Biden’s Michigan effort
- Minnesota Democrats soft on child pornography
And so much more.
Shall we begin?
This Is Not a Sane World, Exhibit #1,000,006
#RAMMYS20: We just announced an investment of $4 million to help small businesses winterize outdoor dining areas and maintain outdoor dining operations in the District through the Streatery Winter Ready Grant Program.
Learn more:
— Mayor Muriel Bowser (@MayorBowser) September 20, 2020
Is your Washington, D.C., restaurant unlikely to make it through the winter months with city-mandated outdoor-only seating?
Fear not!
Insanity Wrap is here to tell you that the mayor’s office has a taxpayer-funded bit of lunacy tailored to the Wuhan Flu temporary-permanent emergency.
The Mayor’s Office of Nightlife and Culture is providing a one-time grant to restaurants that currently offer outdoor dining in the District. Streatery Winter Ready Grant Program funds may be used for outdoor dining winterization purposes and to maintain outdoor dining operations.
Starting October 1, “streatery” restaurants will be eligible for city funds to spruce up their outdoor seating areas with propane heaters and even tents.
In other words, the outdoor eating areas will become indoor eating areas.
Insanity Wrap can’t make this stuff up, and in 2020 we don’t have to.
Your Daily Dose of Mostly Peaceful Protest
DC: “I bet your d*ck is tiny”
An aggressive BLM activist swarms a white couple eating dinner for simply recording their protest
She accuses him of being racist for recording and proceeds to comment on his penis size
— Drew Hernandez (@livesmattershow) September 19, 2020
That’s the scene from one of those soon-to-be-indoors streateries in Washington, D.C., where trying to enjoy lunch in peace is now a racist act.
Insanity Wrap isn’t sure where this next one took place, but it’s epic.
White woman harasses Hispanic couple for filming and calls them racist for saying "all lives matter."
Sacramento, CA— Kitty Shackleford (@KittyLists) September 20, 2020
But the news isn’t all bad. Join us now as we travel from Washington to Portland, where one black man has had quite enough of lily-white antifa antics.
“You ain’t from here mother f—er!”
An angry black Portland driver gets out of his car and yells at the antifa rioters. They’re stunned and speechless. #PortlandRiots
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) September 21, 2020
Insanity Wrap believes this man speaks for all of us.
We Know Exactly How This Ends

As crimes surge, Seattle politicians to cut felony arrests, defund sheriff’s department
Insanity Wrap must remind you again: In Seattle, lawlessness is a choice.
Imagine cutting defense spending right before D-Day.
Imagine eliminating firefighting planes during a drought.
Imagine cutting police protection and slacking off on criminal prosecutions during a time of violent civil disorder.
Oh, wait… you don’t have to imagine that one because it’s exactly what they’re doing in Seattle.
Under a plan presented by [County Executive Dow] Constantine, King County would jail fewer felons. Instead, they’d be referred to nebulously-defined “community-based services” that, history has shown, have dangerous consequences.
Constantine notes this is for nonviolent offenders. Don’t fall for this nonsense. Violent offenders seldom see serious jail-time. It’s why so many violent offenders keep recommitting crimes in Seattle.
This move comes as Constantine pushes the talking point that the criminal justice system is racist.
Insanity Wrap has an easy call on this one: It’s minority neighborhoods that will suffer most under Dow’s cuts.
So who are the real racists? The conservatives trying to keep people safe, or the progressives punishing minority neighborhoods for political advantage?
Ground Game? We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Ground Game
Michael Moore Sounds the Alarm on Joe Biden’s Total Lack of a Campaign in Michigan
Insanity Wrap has heard a lot in recent weeks about Punxsutawney Joe’s lack of a ground game. While the Trump campaign has worked hard to push as many doorbells as possible — old-school retail politicking — the Biden campaign hasn’t visited a single house.
POLITICO reported last month:
Donald Trump’s campaign says it knocked on over 1 million doors in the past week alone.
Joe Biden’s campaign says it knocked on zero.
The Republican and Democratic parties — from the presidential candidates on down — are taking polar opposite approaches to door-to-door canvassing this fall. The competing bets on the value of face-to-face campaigning during a pandemic has no modern precedent, making it a potential wild card in November, especially in close races.
There’s no replacing the personal connection.
Well, except by cheating.
Insanity Wrap encourages you to draw your own conclusion.
Previously on Insanity Wrap: ‘Mostly Peaceful’ Riots Most Expensive in History
Here’s Another Damn Thing We’re Supposed to Be Concerned About

Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s dying wish was to not be replaced until January
Insanity Wrap’s heart — dark and shrunken as it is — goes out to Ruth Bader Ginsburg and her surviving family.
That’s in no small part because she chose to spend her final, struggling years still at work instead of enjoying more time with her family.
Then again, those would be our priorities for our twilight years, and we have no ability nor any desire to impose them on anyone else.
Ginsburg apparently felt no such compunction:
The dying wish of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was to not be replaced until after the next president is inaugurated in January.
“My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed,” Ginsburg said in parting statement she dictated days before her death Friday, to her granddaughter Clara Spera, according to NPR.
That and $8 will get you a cup of coffee on the sidewalk in front of Starbucks.
Imagine if Abraham Lincoln been given time enough before he was assassinated by a Democrat to dictate his dying wish.
He might have wished that he be succeeded by a fellow Republican, instead of that “unity” Democrat, Andrew Johnson, whom Lincoln chose as his running mate in 1864.
Well… what of it?
That’s not how our system works.
The presidency is not a gift to be bequeathed from one officeholder to the next, just as each Supreme Court vacancy is the president’s duty to nominate and the Senate’s to advise and consent to (or not).
The Constitution says nothing about putting everything on hold for an election.
As an earlier incarnation of Notorious RBG once put it:
RBG declares… “the President is elected for four years, not three. So the powers that he has in year three continues into year four… and that’s how it should be.”#RBGRevolution
— David J Harris Jr (@DavidJHarrisJr) September 21, 2020
If the president chooses to nominate and the Senate chooses to confirm, that’s that.
Except for all the blood-curdling howls from the Democrats and the Infotainment industry, but as Dracula once said about similar noises, “Listen to them, the children of the night. What music they make!”
Tweet of the Century
Progressives rage endlessly about how the world should be if only it submitted to their will.
Never realizing the vast majority of civil law was designed to protect the world from them.
— Chad Felix Greene (@chadfelixg) September 20, 2020
Soft on Crime Is Hard on Kids

Workhouse, probation for Plymouth man convicted of possessing child porn
Hennepin County, Minn. — where Minneapolis is located — has a child pornography problem.
The problem isn’t that it exists, although surely that’s bad enough.
The problem is that hardly anyone goes to prison for it, including this guy:
A Plymouth man accused of having over 1,200 images or files containing child pornography and erotica will not serve any time in prison following his conviction on possessing the materials.
The Plymouth Police Department began investigating Kevin Mark Stroot in August of last year after it was notified of possible child pornography existing within an online photo account.
According to the report, Stroot is not the exception. “Over 93% of predators convicted in Hennepin County on charges related to child exploitation received probation,” the story says.
Robert Heinlein said:
Attempts to formulate a “perfect society” on any foundation other than “Women and children first!” is not only witless, it is automatically genocidal.
The Left fails on this fundamental point at every turn.
One More Thing…

That’s a Wrap for today.
Come back tomorrow for another Insanity Wrap…
…assuming we make it that long.
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