This GOP Governor Revealed the Truth About Newsom, Cuomo, and I Can't Stop Laughing

AP Photo/Phelan M. Ebenhack, File

You don't often hear much from Republican New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu but, after today's news, I'd sure like to hear more. Speaking at the Reagan Institute Summit on Education in D.C. on Thursday, the sometimes combative governor didn't mince words when asked how governors could "play a bigger role" in leading their states.


"Lead by example" was Sununu's immediate response but, apparently, there's one current Democrat governor who isn't up to that part of the job — and Sununu says even fellow Democrats agree.

"Almost all the governors get along," he continued. "In my eight years [as governor] I can honestly tell you there's only been two, maybe a third, but two real governors that really nobody likes, nobody cares for at all."

"Would you say who they are?" the interviewer asked. 

"Do you really want me to? Yeah! [New York Gov.] Andrew Cuomo," Sununu said with a knowing shake of his head, "complete jacka**. No one likes him."

But Cuomo is a disgraced former governor. C'mon, Gov. Sununu, give us the real dirt.

"And I gotta be honest, no one cares for [Calif. Gov.] Gavin [Newsom]. Gavin's just a pr**k," Sununu admitted to laughs and cheers from the Republican audience. "It's really disappointing. I got along with him, all of us [governors], got along with him for a while. But even Democrats — they won't tell you out loud — but behind closed doors, they're like, 'Oh, God, look who's coming.' And they all roll their eyes."


It's nice to know that even someone like me can find one tiny piece of common ground with Democrats like my governor, Colorado's Jared Polis, and Illinois weirdo JB Pritzker. But as X user Cecilia Glennon put it, "I can't believe any of them can get along with JB Pritzker."

Did I just say it was nice? Never mind — that's totally the wrong word. Sorry, I must have gotten caught up in the moment. Let me say instead that it's certainly a novel experience to find myself sharing one tiny piece of common ground with Polis or Pritzker. Although in Pritzker's favor, at least he's not aggressively destroying the state I've lived in for 30 years, unlike Polis.

Say what you will about Sununu — he's a RINO, he dissed Donald Trump, whatever — but his candor brought a smile to my face. Or as Jake Snake posted on X this morning, "Finally something I agree with Sununu on."

Others, however, are a little less pleased that Sununu said he'd turn down the offer — which I doubt he'll get — to be Trump's running mate and that he said Nikki Haley would be a "great" pick as Trump's second vice president. But conservative critics should be willing to forgive all that for the simple reason that he told the brutal truth about Gov. Hair Gel. 


And here's the video if you'd like to watch the whole exchange.

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